Monday, June 30, 2008

10 Reasons To Become an Online Marketer

By Brett Smith

If you're an entrepreneur or marketer and you don't know much about Internet marketing, you need to learn. If you're not up on the latest in Internet marketing, you'll need to learn about right away. If you don't, you could be missing out on money you could be earning right now and even lose greater money as time goes on.

Here are 10 reasons why you should bone up on your skills in Internet marketing if you haven't already.

1) THE INTERNET ISN'T GOING ANYWHERE. Perhaps as little as a few years ago, some people thought that the Internet was just a flash in the pan that would be quickly gone. However, it's not. It's here to stay and it can be YOUR path to success in the 21st century. Every year, the Internet gains greater footholds in society with more traffic and the exploding amount of information contained on it. This includes business and product marketing information in addition to the other more innocuous research information you might think of. If you wake up to this reality in time, you can use it to your advantage.

2) ONLINE MARKETING IS CHEAP. If you're trying to run a bricks-and-mortar-housed business and you're still making major use of paper or mail-out CDs, you may be having some success but you'll never, ever get the ROI that you can from Internet marketing. Your clients are web surfers. Your prospects are, too. Why lay out all that cash when for what amounts to pennies a day you can reach more people and do it faster? And if you're trying to run an online business and no-one is coming to your websites, you really need to learn about the cheap methods of doing Internet marketing.

3) INTERNET MARKETING IS "SPEED OF LIGHT" MARKETING. It may take you a bit to set things up, but once you do, Internet marketing can really take off because its viral in nature. You'll never be able to generate business as fast off-line as you can online, because the Internet has taken the information age and turned it into something that operates at the "speed of light."

4) INTERNET MARKETING IS EASY. This ties in with its being faster and cheaper--and thus, better. Internet marketing does not require you to employ a team of salesmen, it does not require you to make cold calls, it does not require you to stuff envelopes, and it does not require you to have an elaborate, expensive voice-over studio attached to your home.

5) INTERNET MARKETING IS JUST MORE FUN. Work in your pajamas. Hell, work naked. Work while listening to your favorite music as loud as you want. Go to any website you want to, whenever you want to--there's no risk of being fired.

6) ONLINE MARKETING MEANS FREEDOM. Of course, you're going to have to work a little bit and make your Internet marketing business a success, but if you can swing this, you can fire your boss and get out of the 9-to-5 grind. Work when you want, as much as you want. You're the boss.

7) THERE'S NO BETTER FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITY. There are so many products and services you can get into online and you can seek them out so fast with such small cost it's ridiculous.

8) YOU HAVE GLOBAL PROSPECTS. Your prospects are literally global (that is, as long as they speak English, likely). This is why they call it the "World Wide Web."

9) IT'S CUTTING EDGE. You need your online marketing skills to be savvy and up-to-date. If you don't have these, guess what? Your competitors will kill you.

10) GET IN NOW, WHILE PRICES ARE GOOD. If you get into business for yourself today, you'll do so at lower cost than you will in the future, likely. Online advertising costs are increasing as more people jump on board with this most lucrative venture. So jump on board today, and save some money.

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