Saturday, June 14, 2008

Learn This - Don't Pay For Google Ads EVER!

By Joi Matthews

Did You Know There's a Way to Get Google AdWords Pay-per-Clicks FREE? Read On!

Several years ago, a gentleman from New England discovered a so-called "oversight" that most marketers don't tap into. He gets what would normally be "paid" advertising for free from Google and other search engines, too.

And guess what? No, it's not illegal and it doesn't mean that you have to know someone at one of the big search engines, such as Overture, MSN, Yahoo or Google.

Instead, this fellow tapped into this secret "just before 2000" when search engines were all the rage. He began to test his theory out at first, and later expanded fully after truly understanding what it was all about.

This same fellow went on to start and operate sixteen separate online companies selling everything from pet food, DVDs, children's toys & games, books, software, and sold not only his own manufactured products but became an affiliate for other web businesses - all the while applying his mastermind secret.

Over the course of nearly eight years the New Englander confesses "I've actually gotten over $87 million in advertising that using my secret I never had to pay for ... and the largest share of which was more recently in Google pay-per-clicks as well as other forms of pad advertising at search engines ... all of which I got for free ..."

In fact, his secret is powerful enough that he can find any niche online, and eventually find a way to monopolize it. He always gets the top spots, premium space, above the usual listings of pages you get with most search engines.

He still has to set up an account with the search engines - but after applying his secret he is removed from having to pay for all the costs otherwise involved.

He still has to set up accounts with each search engine, but he doesn't have to pay for any other costs involved once he does that, because he gets his advertising for free.

The author of this amazing discovery said that in his nearly 8 years since discovering this secret, he's garnered over $300 million in sales revenue and has a diverse line of products. In the last two years, he's gotten $166 million net after he really applied himself and took his secret to its limits.

As for you, this fellow is now giving his secret out to the public. However, he's not saying how long he'll make this secret available.

One particularly famous Internet guru said that although this man may make more profits because he has decided to publish his secret, in fact, he's already rich enough that it doesn't really matter whether he continues or discontinues selling it. However, grabbing it for oneself is a different matter; this could indeed prove economically unwise if you don't take advantage of it now.

This secret is presented in an easy-to-read format that anyone with a fourth grade reading level can understand and master.

And while you're there, take a look at what others have to say about their successes with this incredible secret about how to utilize targeted advertising -- now free to the rest of us for perhaps a limited time.

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