Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Top Three Ways to Get Targeted Traffic to Your Website Quickly

By Victor Cortez

Time and time again we hear that traffic generation is an integral part of internet marketing. What escapes some of us is that the generation needs to be targeted or else you are just spinning your wheels. You don't need massive amounts of people visiting your site. You just need a targeted audience. Someone who is predisposed to your solution to their problem. How do you get such an audience?

Following are three methods that have been proven effective in targeting my audience and getting them to my websites. If used correctly they'll do the same for you.

Forum Marketing Technique

This is a proven technique for targeting traffic. It is extremely effective and can work very quickly if you follow the guidelines.

You have to build trust and relationships. You do this by contributing value to the threads (ongoing conversations). Members can then decide if they like and trust you and if they do they will be more inclined to do business with you and visit your website(s). With a few hundred posts, newbies will start to see you as an authority in the forum and they will be more apt to do business with you.

Article Marketing Technique

Yes, while it will take some time and you'll needs lots of articles, this is still a premier method of getting targeted traffic to your website. You'll need a plan and you'll need to stick to it.

Select the top 45-50 long tailed keywords that you want to rank for. Write one article for each of your keywords. Have each article rewritten a couple of times so that each article directory you have decided to submit to will get a different version. In your resource box you should be using the anchor text that you want to rank for and point to a deep page within your site. Your rewards will be targeted visitors, backlinks from article directories and publishers that are using your articles and a higher ranking in the search engines.

Video Marketing Technique

This one can work in a couple of minutes after uploading the video. So get ready. Record a video 2 to 3 minutes long. If you're not ready for prime time and don't want to be in the video do a slide show presentation... with audio please.

On the bottom part of the video, watermark your URL. Hopefully it's your domain name and not some 65 character affiliate link. If you want to direct the viewer straight to the merchant sales page then get a domain name and redirect to your affiliate link.

Don't know what to record? Heck read a free report that's relevant to your niche... I've heard of a guy who read the sales page of the product he was promoting. Be creative but keep the video short.

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