Saturday, June 21, 2008

Why Use an Autoresponder

By Daniel Beckett

The benefits of autoresponders are so numerous you can't afford to ignore them. You'll find that you have the ability to communicate with your customers in a way that was never possible before. Internet marketing requires that you use the latest technology to interact with your customers so that they feel they are getting 100 percent of your attention.

How Automated Email Can Help Web Businesses

Cost Reduction: Autoresponders reduce your costs across the board. Everything from long distance phone bills to direct mail postage in your sales and marketing department to reducing the need for additional hiring of staff for customer service and support.

Peace of mind. By automating email, small business owners can know that their business is being handled how they want it, even if they aren't around. You know your business is being handled properly, even if you can't be at the computer around the clock.

Happy Customers: Autoresponders lets you serve your customers faster and more efficiently. Staff can focus on other higher-value functions that require human intervention or you can reduce the high cost of customer service representatives.

Targeted Marketing: While building your emailing lists your prospects can be segmented according to the offers and promotions that they respond to. Once they ask or email you for a specific offer they can be put on a segmented list that identifies them, the products they want, and their personal preferences. This lets you market to your prospects more effectively, efficiently, and personally.

Improve Your Business with Autoresponders

Selling a product online is all about technology and customer service. Autoresponders are a powerful tool that can be used to help increase online sales by significant numbers.

Services autoresponders provide

Reinforce your sales pitch with a follow up version. Repeat exposure helps ensure your message stays fresh.

Marketing studies have proven that repeat exposure to a product greatly increases sales. Multiple reminder messages will help ensure a visitor gives your product fair consideration.

Give the customers a reason to sign up by offering a series of emails on a business related topic.

Collect addresses for you email ezine which will give you periodic access to your site's visitors. You can sell advertising in your ezine or just use it to promote your products and services.

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