Monday, June 23, 2008

How to Increase Downlines and Reduce Drop Outs

By Rob Pike

One important part of network marketing is what's called "downline retention." You can view this similarly to how you would view traffic generation: you can take two approaches-you can either recycle traffic, so that it comes back; or you can constantly pump fresh traffic into the site. Ideally, however, you want both mechanisms to be working, as that will not only generate more traffic, but it will also keep more traffic on your site. This is true with network marketing.

At this point, however, you have a rough idea of how to gain that new traffic; and further, how to convert that traffic into members of your network. The next step is to retain those new members by training them and reducing dropouts-which go hand-in-hand.

You should start by developing some type of course, which starts by covering the absolute basics of network marketing-and the moves to the more complex, harder-to-understand parts. Additionally, if your goal is to retain network members, you shouldn't attempt excessive upselling in your course. Rather, only suggest what you believe is absolutely necessary; and only what you believe will affect the best possible results for someone who is either an average or below average network marketer.

Now, in addition to producing a course, you may also want to create a manual of some sort. You can send this to each member of your network immediately upon joining. This can be a more comprehensive field guide that directs them through any potential problem they run into as a new network marketer.

Last, you will want to make yourself accessible to everyone whoever needs help. You might offer your email address to all of your new network members in a personal email you send to everyone; or you might even allow them to contact you by phone. These are all considerations you want to make, as the more accessible you are, the more trusted you will be; and the more likely people are to take your advice and stick around.

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