Sunday, June 22, 2008

Getting Visitors Using Article Marketing

By M.S. Williams

Promoting Your New Website

One of the first goals of every new website you create is probably to get some quality traffic - whether to ultimately buy your product, read you information or click on your ads, your new website isn't worth much if no one finds it or goes to it.

Article Marketing - the Free Traffic Booster

Although there are a number of ways to get the search engines to notice your site and to get visitors clicking in to it, one of the most productive and sure-fire ways is to write articles to distribute to free article directories.

Lots of Good Things About Article Marketing.

With article marketing, you can get links coming into your site from hundreds or even thousands of other sites that will use your article. Article marketing costs nothing - all it takes is your time to create original content that others might be interested in reading. Article marketing gets your name out on the internet as someone who has an interest in your niche area - soon you might be seen as an expert.

Besides being free, article marketing is effective - since there are hundreds and even thousands of sites that accept articles for publication, within a short time you can have your site visible to thousands of people - as well as have your site listed in all the major search engines.

Some Disadvantages of Article Marketing

Despite all the positive aspects of article marketing, of course there are some negative parts to the process as well. The biggest obstacle to succefull article marketing is that somehow the articles need to get written.

If you really don't want to do the writing yourself, there are a number of sources where you can hire others to do the writing for you.

The other major obstacle is the time it takes to submit your articles to the article directories and niche sites. The problem here is there are thousands of sites that accept articles - to submit to a large share of these sites takes a lot of time.

Even here though, third party providers stand ready to help you with article submission services or software readily available.

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