Thursday, June 26, 2008

101 Marketing Strategies Significantly Increase Traffic?

By Trisha Frauenhofer

Regardless of the type of online business you're in, 101 Marketing Strategies will help you build it up. Traffic is the very life's blood of a web based business. If your site doesn't get traffic, you won't stay in business for long. This is why you see so many different companies out there, all trying to sell you a way to get traffic to your site. It's almost impossible to go online these days without seeing a pitch for some company or other promising to get your site noticed by web surfers.

So how can you tell if a given company will be able to deliver on these promises? Can they really get you the traffic your business needs to thrive? It once was that you needed merely to put up a website to get the visitors you needed to get your business growing. However, the proliferation of websites has made it hard for anyone website to stand out.

To get the traffic you need to your site, start by writing articles. Write one about your marketing skills. Make it something which will interest readers, not just a long, disjointed ramble about how terrific your website is. Make a suggestion to readers about where to find the product or service they're looking for.

You've probably tried a few different marketing techniques already - you think you've tried every marketing strategy ever invented. However, you owe it to yourself and to your business to try 101 Marketing Strategies. For instance, they give this useful hint: If you want to make sure that your site gets noticed, don't put links in your article. This may sound counterintuitive to some, but in fact the resource box at the bottom of your article is a far better place to put any links to your site. Readers can read through your article and then see in your resource box that you have a website, the click on the link there to visit your site.

When you've written your articles and want to get them read by the public, it's time to get them out there. Get them to article directories, publishers, anywhere you think they have a chance of being read. Once your article appears in one place, it will likely be picked up by others until you have your article on hundreds, eve thousands of sites all over the internet. Each of these articles includes your resource box, giving you untold opportunities to get more traffic to your site.

If you want to get your articles published as widely as possible (and who doesn't), you should be submitting articles at least once a week - more if you can. The more people see your articles out there, the more you and your site will be recognized and best of all; you will build credibility in the minds of your readers. This is important; people are more likely to make a purchase on the basis of a recommendation of someone who they trust and view as an expert.

Once you have your articles widely published and distributed, this will lead to a dramatic increase in traffic to your site. If you yourself don't have a site, but are instead directing traffic to another site in the hopes of selling a product or services, you are an affiliate marketer. You will then make money from the sales of the product you're endorsing, just as will the merchant.

Many who are in web based businesses think that they are already aware of the best ways to market their website. However, they could be losing out on a lot of traffic to their site if they aren't aware of some of these marketing strategies. The truth is, if you're not already seeing thousands upon thousands of hits on your website, you could benefit from some more marketing work. After all, making money is what any business, online or offline is about - and the best way to make a bigger profit in online business comes down to one word: traffic.

About the Author:

1 comment:

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