Tuesday, June 24, 2008

How to Create an Online Business

By Maddy Evans

The amount of people using the internet to research and shop for products and services continues to rise each year. For that reason and many others, companies are looking at opening businesses online. Companies have the ability to increase their sales by reaching a larger audience and not being limited to store hours, as well as, lowering their overall operating costs.

An online business is very similar to a conventional business. The big difference is that you use a website to offer your products or services instead of a building. Just like a bricks-and-mortar business however, there are basics you need to put into place to be successful.

Choose a domain name (www.yourcompany.com), one that will be easy for your customers to remember and reflects your product or service. Ensure that you register the domain name under you and not through your hosting company. If your hosting company is not working out, you will want to go elsewhere and take your domain name with you.

Select a hosting company that is reliable and has the ability to scale up to meet your needs if necessary. When first starting out, you might want to have "shared" hosting, as this is less expensive. Once your company has grown, consider moving to a "dedicated" server for higher capacity.

It is essential to provide good quality content on your website. This will capture your potential customer's interest and increase your status as an expert in your field. Customers always want to feel that the person they are buying from is knowledgeable and offering sound advice.

When first setting up your online business, consider which direction you will be taking. Is the goal of your website to capture subscribers or directly sell products and services? If you are wanting to capture subscribers, consider what type of sign-up form you will be using and how best to implement your email or phone follow ups. When selling a product directly, you will need to include a shopping cart and secured payment system on your site.

To provide your customers with top-notch customers service, pay particular attention to maintaining an organized and logical database. Your customers want to be able to effortlessly navigate around your site to find the product they have come to buy.

Step out of your comfort zone and learn some of the basic maintenance needed to run your website. Once you have been shown, you will realize that the process is fairly easy and you will be saving money that would have been otherwise spent on a web designer.

Once your online business is up and running, you will need to start getting people to visit. There are literally 100's of ways to do this. To start with, you will want to consider; Search Engine Optimization, Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising, Article and Email Marketing.

This article has just scratched the surface of what to consider when starting an online business. It is definitely worth the time and effort to research and educate yourself on the various components needed to start an online business, but the pay off will be well worth the effort.

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