Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Free SpiderWeb System Funded Proposal MLM Prospecting Leads

By Todd Schuyler

Hello and I want to thank you for visiting my blog. my name is Todd Schuyler. I want to take this entry to explain something very important: the funded proposal system. This is an integral building block of The SpiderWeb Marketing System, yet few people truly understand it. For my entry, I want to take an explanation written by the founder and inventor of The SpiderWeb Marketing System, and insert it into my blog. Hopefully it will bring you increased understanding, as it has to me. It's a little long, but stick with it, as it will explain things very well.

The MLM SpiderWeb Marketing System is a Revolutionary new Funded Proposal Prospecting system which was developed by Kimball Roundy. It is designed to help Network Marketers in their business building efforts. The System Maximizes the power and reach of the Internet to bring targeted Network Marketing Prospects right to your door who are eager to get signed up with you, and instead of paying to generate or buy these leads, they end up PAYING YOU to become leads. In essence, instead of chasing people for your business, they start chasing and paying you to be considered as a prospect to join you. It is a pretty sweet concept and it works like a charm! IF you have the time to learn it and implement the system. What do you mean by "a Funded Proposal Prospecting System?" The basic (very simplified) idea behind a "Funded Proposal" prospecting system is this:

You use a website or system (as an "affiliate" usually with a specific affiliate referral tracking link) that is set up to generate Free Buiness MLM Targeted Leads by advertising "help" and or "training" that will help the person seeking the help (the LEAD) with generating leads for their primary business. For example, you find someone searching Google or Yahoo who is looking for "MLM Leads" or "Network Marketing Leads" and show an ad to them that says essentially: "Quit Wasting Your Time and Money on MLM Leads! Let Me Show you how to Generate your own, and get Paid by Each one of Them Whether or not They Join Your Business!"If you were spending hundreds of dollars and hours and hours (maybe you are, if so, pay attention) buying and then contacting hundreds of leads, wouldn't the above idea appeal to you?

So, with this spiderweb marketing system you are advertising help or training, and in exchange for a free newsletter or basic e-book they give you their contact information (LEAD). This newsletter will usually tell them "WHAT" to do but not show them "HOW" to do it. Then, through reading the free newsletters or e-books or watching the free videos etc they are introduced to some product that they can buy (usually the Full details and step by step training on HOW to do what they just told you to do) and if the person who signed up for the info decides to purchase the product then you as the affiliate who referred them will make a commission. So, essentially what will happen is you, will be looking for a way to grow your business, you will find one of these sites and sign up for the free info (You are someone else's lead) then you decide you want to get the whole story, buy the product (book, e-book etc.) and the person who referred you makes $20 or $50 or whatever the commission amount for the book sale is.

So, that is how a Funded Proposal is designed to work for your mlm business. You sign up.Then you Set up the system by following the videos. The system manages all your Marketing for you You get leads. You generate up to 12 streams of Passive Residual Income before/without ever talking to a single prospect or spending a DIME

AND THEN YOU GET PAID! You contact and build a relationship with your new, unique to you, real-time Network Marketing Targeted leads Your business grows bigger, faster, and more than with any other system, period. Oh, and it is 100% FREE!

With the innovative 12 streams of income that that you can generate for you before any product, service book or company is sold, it is THE FIRST TRUE "FUNDED PROPOSAL" where you get paid for your business marketing before the lead has ever been contacted by anyone or sold anything! I know, I have not explained that part, you are just going to have to head over and check it out to find out exactly how it works. Check it all out at

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