Thursday, July 17, 2008

7 Ideas for Adding Audio to Your Website

By Theo McLanahan

Adding audio to your website can be a fun way to draw in more traffic and create variety for your readers. You have a lot of choices when it comes to what type of audio to add. The following are a few ways you can start incorporating audio into your website or blog.

At times, the internet can feel like a very cold and unfeeling place. By creating a welcome greeting, you will create a warm and personable feeling around your website. Your visitors will feel that you value them and will appreciate that you took the extra time to personally greet them.

When you walk into a store, you may not notice it, but more often than not, music is playing in the background. Music can create an ambiance and set a calm and soothing mood. Setting this type of atmosphere may induce your visitors to linger longer.

If you are using your website to sell something, you more than likely have a testimonial page. Instead of only having a written testimonial, why not include a picture of the person providing the testimonial as well as an audio clip? Your viewers can hear the testimonial straight from the proverbial horse's mouth.

Blogs are a great place to add audio. Blogs are generally a bit more personal and relaxed than a business website. Adding a bit of audio will help your readers get to know you and your personality. Plus, if you are in a rush and do not have time to type a post, you could simply record a few minutes of audio and post that instead.

Podcasts are very popular and new ones are being developed every day. It seems that people can't get enough of them. Adding one to your website can give your current readers a new type of content, as well as attract new visitors.

Many internet marketers have sales pages full of great copywriting that provides product descriptions and highlights the product's features and benefits. Creating an audio sales page would put a new spin on the standard sales page. You may not realize it, but QVC, the home shopping channel, is one of America's largest television networks and their ratings are very high. The hosts on this channel are very friendly and enthusiastic. The hosts' enthusiasm transfers to the viewers, and that motivates the viewer to buy the products being featured. Creating an enthusiastic audio for your sales page could have similar effects on your profits.

Audio enables you to connect with your customers in a whole new way. Why create a "question of the week" audio for your website? You could put up a form on your website or simply ask your readers to email you with their questions. Each week, you could take a few moments and read one of the questions and provide an answer. Your visitors will return each week to see if you chose their question. They'll get a thrill if you read their name on your audio message.

There are many, many ways to add excitement and variety to your website by adding audio. Get creative and think up some ways to integrate audio into your business plan, and see if it helps you grow your customer base.

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