Wednesday, August 13, 2008

How To Discover The ABCs Of AdWords

By Brian Basch

Running a profitable Adwords campaign is as straightforward as ABC

A) When you choose keywords be sure that they are targeted to your niche market, or product. Sometimes you might just be tempted to go into the search engine database and choose a few top keywords. This is not a good idea, as these keywords will not usually attract your niche market. Instead think about directing your campaigns so that they will attract potential customers for your products and services.

B) Choose your keywords wisely. It must be general enough to attract enough traffic to your ad but at the same time be specific enough to allow you to make sales. Remember you will be paying regardless of whether you make a sale. This is pay per click advertising after all. If your ad is drawing traffic but no sales, you will soon drain your advertising budget.

C) You will need to know how much you are able to spend when you bid for keywords. Search Engines know what they are doing and of course understand the value of high bids. Because of this fact they will make sure that the highest bids will appear at the start of the "Sponsored Lists," where they will receive the most views. Of course the more views they get the better your traffic. Ideally this would work well for everyone. You will profit from sales and the search engine will make money from clicks.

Realistically this is not always so. Sales must always cover costs and if you are paying premium price you must make enough sales to pay for it. This is why you must have the right blend of targeted and general keywords.

D) It is important to monitor your campaign. Advertisements need to be tracked in detail, after you begin your campaign, to be certain how many sales an ad is producing. You need to be vigilant and adjust your ad campaigns to correct problems, before huge amounts of money are drained from your budget.

Marketing experts know that details in your campaign are important and will check them carefully. You can save yourself both money and time when you find and fix problems early. Your rising sales will be well worth the extra time and effort.

There is no doubt about it Google Adwords is challenging. Bidding and keywords are sometimes hard to learn. However once you know all about the details of your campaign you will be an expert marketer.

So keep these important lessons in mind. Understand their significance so that you can take action. Once you do this you will have the vital keys to Internet marketing success and make the profits you deserve.

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