Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Powerful Results with an Expert Mentor for your Internet Business

By Bob B. Hamilton

When you've hired an expert mentor to help grow your internet marketing business, you want to make the most of it. You're investing not just your money, but also your time, in working with this mentor. And you're not just taking a class at the community college; your whole online business may be on the line depending on the results of your collaboration. It is critical that you work well with your expert mentor and make the most of your time with him.

Your first step is to place your full trust in the expert mentor. You should have done your homework and ensured that he or she is trustworthy, knows what they are doing, and has your best interests at heart. If you want this to work right, you must not challenge what your expert mentor tells you. Instead, close your eyes and step off the cliff when they tell you to.

After that first, hardest, step, the rest is easy. Follow each instruction to the letter. If you're not clear on something, ask, and keep asking until you understand precisely what you need to do. Set yourself timelines for meeting each commitment you make to your mentor, and most critically, meet each one of them. Remember, your results will be no better than the effort you and your mentor put into them - and the most likely one not to step up to the challenge is you.

Don't jump to a decision when making your selection of an expert mentor. Examine the credentials of several prospects before narrowing down the list of potential coaches. Carefully review the style, reputation, and references of the finalists. Be sure to focus time on their capability and experience to handle your specific problems and issues. Frequently these fall into three categories. First the issues associated with starting an internet marketing business must be addressed. Next are troubles that you are unable to fix. Finally there are the challenges of moving your business to improved levels of performance.

If done properly and you decide on the right expert mentor, the impact on your business can be impressive. However, your expectations should be realistic. Different problems have different speeds of resolution. Different problems yield very different results. Set solid, agreed desired outcomes with your expert mentor and then measure against that agreement.

If you are just starting business there will be a need for lots of instruction and direction. This grows when the entrepreneur lacks prior business startup experience. In fact, for the truly inexperienced the challenges associated with starting a business can become overpowering. There are so many important actions to take. It comes down to knowing which actions to take, the right order to take them, and exactly how to take them. Starting a business conquers some new business operators to the point they never really emerge from the startup process. An experienced professional expert mentor can guide you through the maze of obstacles.

Then there's hitting the wall - the insurmountable problem that you just can't quite work through. It might be a saturation of your market, or it could be dealing with international law, figuring out how to migrate from a legacy to a new database system, or ramping up your understanding of using video and podcasting as part of your marketing program. An expert mentor can help you get through the hard spot, saving you time and ulcers by taking you by the hand and walking you through the steps you need to take until your problem has been solved.

An expert mentor can be invaluable when it comes to taking a business to the next higher level of performance. While this might be completely new, uncharted territory for the entrepreneur, the expert mentor has been there and knows the unique challenges that will be faced as well as the right steps to take. While a highly skilled expert mentor at this level typically costs more, hastening the move to this new level of performance will quickly justify the expense. In fact, as your business performance moves ever-higher you will feel a well-selected mentor is one of the critical investments you made to achieve new levels of performance excellence.

Every internet marketing business will need help at some phase. You can do it yourself - or you can maximize your potential by seeking out an expert mentor who can bring you out the other side quickly and safely. Which route will you take?

To your internet marketing success!

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