Thursday, August 14, 2008

We do what ever we want because of our internet business

By John Wallen

I woke to the sound of lightning and thunder, the clock had quarter to seven and it was time for me to turn on the coffee anyway. I went out on the deck, the lake was really rolling in the wind. I made my way back into the porch just in time, as the rain came in a driving force I hadn't seen for some time, we needed a good drenching.

I'm joined by my lovely lady and we go and check windows before having our coffee in the parlor. I turn on the radio to the local station and the weather report is rain all afternoon. We drink our coffee to the sound of the storm. She says to me, we need a break from the being out on the water anyway, I agree, we've been getting a lot of sun.

I go and bring out a fresh apple strudel and, we almost ate the whole thing that's how good it was. We decide to get some work done in our business, that sounds like a good plan even though we promised to not get carried away with that, were here to take a nice long break. This internet business were in has been doing great and it's raining anyway.

After a little more java, I fired up the laptop and in a couple of hours time we finished up some articles that needed some attention, then created some new ad copy. We answered all our email, then uploaded everything to where it was suppose to go. It's amazing how much we can get accomplished together, we just connect, and get it done.

It's getting a little warm and muggy and, a steady rain is still coming down. She starts to get ready, cause were going to town to hang out awhile. There's a great little pub that serve's up some great sandwiches, the best corned beef we've ever had. I throw my rain coat on, and run down to the dock to make sure the boat is still secured before we head out.

The forest was pretty soggy as we went down the road to town. A black bear and her cub cross the road ahead and ,we slow down to take a close look, but she was gone. She says " we all have success only when we realize our own dreams". That has been the power of our intention. We have created a very successful internet business so we could have more moments like this.

We do what ever we want to do now, but that took some patience and a little time. When you find and connect with the right people, the right minds, you just motivate and get it done. To many of us complain about our circumstances and then do nothing about it. We both know what is possible because we took the time to make it a reality.

We've been marketing on the internet for awhile, and not some get rich quick schemes. But it's been almost two years we've been in this business, starting part time working from home with this software company that has an outstanding affiliate opportunity. We make more money with this internet business quarterly, than working full time for a year.

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