Monday, June 9, 2008

Affiliate Conspiracy Review And Its Weakness

By Leonard Lioe

What is Affiliate Conspiracy? It's a complete step-by-step tutorials (consisting of ebooks, special report and series of video tutorials) showing you how to make money on the Internet. The product is created by a well-known Internet Marketer Eric Rockefeller.

First of all, let me tell you right off the bat that Affiliate Conspiracy focuses primarily on the Pay-Per-Click (or PPC) method. If you're not using or planning to use PPC in the future, then you should not purchase this product. Eric (the owner) is basically a PPC guy and he has done a great job in covering every facet of internet marketing using the PPC method. You'll learn all the tried and tested techniques in PPC in the very clear step-by-step video tutorials that would take years to learn otherwise.

In my humble opinion, the most valuable part of Affiliate Conspiracy is when the author exposes some of his profitable PPC campaigns. He shows you step by step how to set up his profitable campaigns from scratch in videos. It's as if you're standing right behind him and watch over his shoulder as he demonstrated how easy it is to make a fortune online.

Another of my favorite part is the presell copy templates. All these templates are designed by a professional and can easily cost hundreds of dollars. The good news is that you will get all these professionally-designed templates for free. These templates are big time savers. Eric will also teach how to use these templates with your PPC campaigns to achieve high sales conversion.

Affiliate Conspiracy is a very well-rounded guide. For example, if PPC is not your cup of tea, there are series of video tutorials showing you how to use non-PPC methods like setting up a blog, building Squidoo lens, building HubPages, using PLR, Joint Venture, and many more. However, these are not covered in depth as the main focus is still on PPC as mentioned before.

The techniques revealed in Affiliate Conspiracy are tried and proven to work, but don't expect immediate result. Just like anything in life, some efforts on your part are needed and there will be challenges and roadblocks, and you'll stumble along the way. Just like when you first learn how to ride a bicycle. You fell, you got up and you tried again.... you fell again, got up and tried again.... and you fell, you got up and tried again.... and again. That's how most of us learn how to ride a bike. And let me tell you that learning how to make money online is no different. Please remember that.

One Major Drawback:

Affiliate Conspiracy is not a perfect product. There is one major weakness I find. It doesn't show you how to build a website that sells. I wish there was a video tutorial that could show us step-by-step how to build a real site, how to get indexed by Google in 24 hours, how to get immediate traffic and how to transform those traffic into sales. Knowing how to build site that sells is very important, it will continue bring you money even if your PPC campaigns are stopped.

To address this issue, I have prepared a complementary bonus package for those who are interested in buying Affiliate Conspiracy. The complementary package is a perfect match for this product, it covers all the things that affiliate conspiracy lacks. You can find the download instructions for the complementary bonus in the resource box below.

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