Friday, June 13, 2008

How to Earn Money from Home - Without Getting Scammed

By Monell Honor

Working from home has become a desire for so many people today. The majority of these people have this dream of lying around the house all day, doing a little bit of work and then bringing in several thousands of dollars even though most of those that have tried it certainly wish that it was that easy.

Try and understand that this job does not have the same feeling of safety that an office job might provide. You can make it a success and be totally independent only if you slog and are disciplined.

Many hope to make a kill of easy, quick money and are attracted to the well touted, 'get rich fast' offers that abound. Some of these do really work, but rarely enough to justify the hype that normally surrounds the sales pitch each person receives.

Paid surveys and data entry usually fall into this category; both types of offers can be found that pay out, but they rarely pay as much as is claimed. One imagines doing a few surveys in the morning, then a leisurely lunch may be, then doing a few more surveys and ending up with several hundred dollars for the day; this is ridiculous.

All of these different types of activities are basically not sustainable for anyone that is seeking out a way to earn some extra money from working at home regularly. While not all jobs in this field are fakes, there are some that are some that are so it just means that you need to consider them before making a decision.

Writing some articles for others is a very easy way that you can earn money even though you are going to have to possess some reasonable writing skills. However, in the beginning you will usually find that you are writing for people who are selling your efforts on as their own. Even if you work hard, you rarely earn more than for 500 words so try not to expect too much at the beginning.

One of the ways forward is to write for yourself and then turn around and sell them as PLR or public label rights where they are able to be a little more lucrative in the long term. The basic idea is to write a number of maybe ten articles on a certain theme and then sell them to a limited number of people at a reduced price. The math would be like this: if you charged for a set of ten write ups and when sold to 30 other persons, it multiplies to 100's of dollars, making the original worth per article much greater

To be able to earn good money, while working out of the home, it has to be steady and regular and one has to work at it. It probably won't be easy at first, but after you have ironed out all the kinks and streamlined the process, you shouldn't have too much trouble. Then you might put together your own team of writers and get work done from them - this is the way to go to start making more money.

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