Friday, June 6, 2008

Improve Your Website With These Split Testing Tips

By Jim Stone, Ph.D.

So you've decided to do some split testing on your website? What now? Here are some ideas:

1. The Headline: This is one of the most important factors to test on a web page. If you want to grab your visitor's attention, and have them read the rest of your page, you need to hook them with a good headline. Test several variations to find one that works well. (important)

2. The Stylesheet: If you use a style sheet to set the font styles, sizes, and colors of all your headlines, subheadlines, body text and more, you can test different schemes very easily. This is often worthwhile. If you link to your stylesheet, it can be tough to run the test, depending on the software you're using. So for the test you might want to pull the stylesheet into the head section of your test page.

3. Location Of Testimonials: So you have some great testimonials. Where should you put them. Some marketers tell you to put a good one up right under the headline. Others say to lump them together near the middle. Others run them down the right side of the page. Others put them after the P.S. Statement. Still others weave them into the copy, and place them where they seem to have the most power. This is a great factor to test, even though it might not make as much difference as some might think. Unfortunately, it's difficult to test the location of factors in most javascript-based split testing programs, though with some PHP (or server-side) programs you can test location pretty easily. (medium importance)

4. A Pre-Headline: This can be used to "call out" your target users. Often these will say something like "Attention: Men Who Are Losing Their Hair!" or something like that. This can have an effect on conversion rate. I usually advise people to test these with their headlines, rather than separately from them. But with some care, you can test them separately. Just make sure every pre-headline works with every headline. (medium importance)

5. Text Of Your Order Button: Should your order button say "submit"? Probably not. How about "click here?" Probably not. Well, what about "Yes! Let me Get Started Now!" Probably better. This is an often over-looked place to test. I would recommend testing it, though it's probably not quite as important as the headline or the offer. (medium importance)

6. Adding A Video: Ah. Web 2.0. Well, I'll say one thing for video. It's an important factor. But it's not always clear whether a video will help or hurt. I've had videos help a lot. And other marketers have said it alone can double your conversion rate. But I've also had videos hurt my conversion rate significantly. I think a lot of it has to do with the quality of the video. Playing with video is like playing with fire. It's a powerful tool, but you can get burned, too. (important)

Do you want some more split testing ideas? I've got all kinds of ideas. And you know where to find me.

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