Thursday, June 12, 2008

My First 12 months of Wealth Building

By Peter Edwards

Anybody new to online marketing maybe a little overwhelmed to the myriad of programs available. Even seasoned marketers can get caught in an industry frenzy - the latest new this or that, get in now at pre-launch, bigger than Google. We have all seen it.

There can be a real upside amongst the mayhem, absolutely. Seek and find a real teacher, someone who understands success is by putting others first, always.

A huge percentage of people look at wealth building online, want information, they want it quick and simple and without fuss. The conversion of fast knowledge to fast cash rules.

Lets look at what I consider to be the real deal.

Business building offline and online is completely different, especially so when encouraging people to achieve their goals.

How did I do it?

People love multiple streams of income, especially if it requires little or no effort! The guns will work their backsides off to move forward but many are very happy to let you (me) and the Company build for them. The right one.

Lets chat about The Berry Tree. They spruce a Triple your Money back Guarantee. Big talk, any action? There appears so. The program was designed to make the hungry ones enormously successful, the passive ones very successful. A choice of health products each month, a company and up line build for them, sounds like easy street? For the passive it is. The motivated up line needs to raise the bar and keep passive, non introducing types active i.e. in the program. Simply improve their business provides a win for everybody. And its not hard, not at all.

A short history - Perhaps I discovered a beauty right off the bat. Berry Tree has been excellent to me. Still in the early days it was not without faults. They were new, thats not a bad thing, although there were new companies sprouting everywhere 12 months ago. Backed by a larger seasoned company certainly helped. From June 1st 2008, the company went into overdrive, many of the my perceived or otherwise flaws were erased, a new compensation plan that on paper look sensational. Time will tell.

Motivating people to stay the distance has to be backed by substance. You could sell your way, which is both unethical, bad taste and plainly wrong or you present genuine incentives that actually work and are a value add. Serving others is the greatest motivating tool I know. Everyone loves to be served, do it right with a happy heart, provide knowledge and a "how to" its a win for all.

Berry Tree claim to build your business, and they do. The last 12 months have netted 6 FREE Credits. Reach 10 and your at their entry commission level Bronze. This is only 1 stream, there are multiple streams with Berry Tree. You want to earn 10K + plus, work hard, 50K + a month, work harder and smarter. Prefer to remain passive and have others build, it takes longer but you do get there.

A company who boast 8000 members in their first 12 months and have aspirations of 200,000 by the end of their second, does that smell Hype? Personally I feel 50,000 is closer to the mark. The new compensation plan has excited many. Boosting the Bronze payouts by 500% was enough to get me going. At the end of the day a company has to walk the talk. Reward those who have supported you.

The recently introduced 2x2 Berry Tree matrix provides another income steam. The charter is helping others. That won me immediately as that has been my take on this since joining The Berry Tree 12 months. Noble? Not at all, just simple and proven life principle that works.

About the Author:

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