Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Only "Secret" You Need to Know about Internet Marketing

By Kirt Christensen

Too many business owners are fruitlessly searching for Internet Marketing's "Holy Grail". You need to get out there and "do" more than you need to learn another technique or strategy.

Don't get me wrong, there are amazing marketing techniques out there that you could be using. And there are a lot of products that teach you how to market better. Always, always continue to learn and grow. When you stop learning, you're sunk.

You might actually find that the top experts disagree with each other on what techniques to use. Stupid but, this is because there is only one true judge of marketing... testing!

Without testing, you'll never know which marketing techniques work for you.

Successful Internet marketers will agree that there is one, and only one, "secret" to Internet marketing.

If you sit on your butt and do nothing, you will get nothing in return!

To be a success in Internet marketing, you've got to do something. If you sit on the sidelines and just watch and learn, you'll never make a dime.

Take action, even if your results are poor.

Internet marketing requires lots of "practice".

If you want to write better ads for your products, then find some of the best sales letters and start copying them by hand. Then, practice your own letters.

Something that almost no one ever seems to mention in regards to business is that some of the most successful companies expect that only one out of every seven products they create will be a success worth continuing.

Claude Hopkins, considered by many to be one of the greatest marketing minds ever, recorded this in "Scientific Advertising:"

"There are many surprises in advertising. A project you will laugh at may make a great success. A project you are sure of may fall down. All because tastes differ so. None of us know enough peoples desires to get an average viewpoint."

The first website you create might not be a success, or profitable. If you're smart, and stay in the game, in contact with the right people you will learn something from it. The next website venture may be the success that you've been hoping for.

The reason your current site isn't making any money, could be the wrong product or the wrong market. If you can't explain to me in one sentence who your target market is, then you're not ready for success.

Test different products, and different markets. Test advertising in different locations. Test different ads. Only through testing and tracking can you figure out what works.

The trick is to keep your testing small. Started PPC campaign, test an ezine ad or two, run some banner ads.

Set a small budget, say of 100 or $200, just for testing every month.

Never spend money on advertising that could put you out of business. It should be a small and risk-free monthly budget.

If you can't afford to spend any money on advertising, and start with free traffic techniques.

There's dozens of them that you can use. If you are using free techniques, never spend more time than you can afford to lose.

Time is the same thing as money, and as you become more and more successful, it is time that you can never replace.

The Secret to Internet marketing is to "Do Something."

Even if it doesn't work out quite as well as you plan, keep doing it or add in other elements and aspects to your business.

The second Internet marketing secret is much like the first one. It is "Don't give up!"

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