Sunday, June 8, 2008

Peel Away Video Ads Explode Click-Through Rates and Sales

By Matthew J. Loop

If you want to increase your click through and conversion rates then its time that you investigated one of the newest and most innovative advertising tools on the market - Peel Away Videos. If you had just one improvement to make on your sight that could help you dramatically increase your web traffic then give peel videos a try, as they have a way of being educational as well as fun for your web-surfers at the same time.

Peel Away Videos appeals to that part of human nature that loves to play. Most people are so startled and impressed by the visual impact of this feature that they will email their friends and tell them about it. This results in more visitors to your site. In fact, peel videos are so effective as spectacles that you should make sure that you have a gizmo on your site that asks your visitors if they would like to recommend it to another friend. Many people will just do this so that their friend can check out the visual sensation of the peel away video feature.

Before there was Peel Away Videos, there was Peel Away Ads. Peel Away Ads pioneered this idea of pointing and clicking on a corner icon that looks like a dog eare page in a book to reveal an advertisement beneath the current web page. In the case of peel videos, your visitors will see the page strip back to reveal a video in motion instead.

Still another incredible attribute concerning Peel Away Videos is that it makes it look like you spent a lot of money on your website, when in reality you spent less than fifty dollars. Savvy internet marketers know that the more user friendly and technologically impressive your web site the more likely that customer will be to get out his or her credit card and buy your product or service. This is because technological swiftness builds trust with a customer.

Even better the peel pages program is easy to install and you can configure it to install impressive looking dog ear pages on several domains at the same time with almost no effort. You also do not need to be a technical genius to use it thanks to a step by step installation guide that is included with the purchase of the peel pages program.

Studies have show that entertaining your customers is one way to ensure repeat business to your site. Worried that not all of your customers will be able to access it? Statistics show that 98% of people are able to successfully view the Peel Away Video special effect on their internet browser. Furthermore, peel away ads, also known as dog ear ads or a peel page do not annoy your customer the way a banner ad or pop up ad can.

This peel pages software is very cost effective considering the amount of web traffic it can bring both due to its viral nature and it's efficiency in getting the word out about your product. . It costs less than fifty dollars and the affiliate option is also very attractive with a 70/30 split.

There is also no personal financial risk when you buy Peel Away Videos. If for some reason this type of web page advertising does work for you in terms of technology or attracting more business then you can get a full refund (as long as you ask for it within eight weeks from the date of purchase).

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