Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Website Copywriting Secrets Revealed

By John "Angel" Anghelache

You're about to discover how to get more people to buy from your website. In this brief article, I'll show you how to create powerful website copy using three simple secrets.

Okay, here we go...

The first thing is to find out and expose the most compelling story about you or your product.

Look, when people read a website they can't get bored. If they do, it's all over with. Somehow you've got to find an interesting story about what you sell. Let me give you an example.

I'll tell you how I discover stories that people love to read.

You research the product, the manufacturer or author and everyone else. Including customers. Somewhere in all of that research a story will come up. One you can use as the driving force behind the copy.

A good story become the focal point of the entire website sales letter. You can even include it in the headline like this...

"Amazing Secret Discovered By One-Legged Golfer Adds 50 Yards To Your Drives, Eliminates Hooks And Slices... And Can Slash Up To 10 Strokes From Your Game Almost Overnight!"

That headline was written by the late, Gary Halbert. It telegraphed such a great story within the body of the ad. After all, wouldn't you want to know more about this perfume? Of course, you would.

The next way to improve website copy is to focus on the benefits.

Making a buying decision comes down to the benefits we think we will get. List all the benefits your product gives. Everything. Include all of them in the website letter.

At the top of a piece of paper jot down...

"My product delivers the following benefits..."

Then list the benefits like this...

"... taking away nicotine cravings..."

"... helps them smoke less..."

"... have fresher breath..."

You can improve on each of those benefits. Let's take one of them so I can show you how.

Take any one benefit and dig deeper.

Let's focus on "speeding up the metabolism".

"so that they will look better"

"lose unwanted pounds faster"

"look and feel better"

This exercise lets you focus on what's important to a customer. Namely, the benefits. Make a list of those benefits in order of importance and include them in the copy on your website.

By having a great story and focusing on benefits you'll go a long way toward getting more sales. But the heart of good website copy is the offer. You must craft a killer offer.

Making offers people can't refuse will boost sales like nothing else.

The same idea holds true when making offers to sell via online marketing. Your offers must be specific to the market... and... so enticing people just have to buy now.

Great offers have several characteristics. One of the most important is urgency. Give people a time limit. This creates an urgency to buy now.

Offer extras if they buy now.

Those are three simple ways to get more sales from your website.

Number one is the story.

2) Focus on and dramatize the benefits of what you sell.

Number three is to make an irresistible offer.

Do these three things and you'll get more orders online.

About the Author:

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