Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wholesale Website Traffic - A Scam?

By Jeff K Gross

So you're prepared to purchase much unique web site hits? Consider This, a lot who conceive purchasing hits are frequently led astray and cheated. Wholesale Traffic vendors are commonly distributing Bot hits. This variety of web traffic results in nothing but counterfeit statisitc inflation. If this makes up your goal then great for you, othewise read on!

Many Targeted website traffic sellers will promise you 1 million visitors for the low, low price of $20.00. Well guess what, you get what you pay for. You are not going to receive targeted website visitors, you will simply receive a machine coming to your page and checking it out. How do we combat this? There are many ways, but we will stick to the most important one.

When you decide to purchase some unique website traffic visitors it is absolutely necessary that you keep these Questions in the front of your mind: Are these promised visitors actually visitors? Are they unique?. Have these visitors been counted once or twice? Will they be counted twice in a day?

Many companies will send the same people to your site 50 times in order to meet their quota. Secondly you should ask what the traffic source is. Is it Bot traffic? Is it Domain redirect traffic? Is it Popup or Popunder traffic? Lastly, make sure to ask them if there traffic comes from high quality domains or junk domains.

Let's take a look at pop-up and pop-under hits. These sorts of hits are a pain to everybody who witnesses them. Nobody, and I mean nobody would like to* see pop-ups or pop-unders. They connect this with two-faced practices and oftentimes automatically believe your site is spam or illegal. Once you purchase internet site hits be sure that this traffic is of the domain redirect variety.

Domain redirect traffic is truly the best of breed when it comes to buying bulk traffic. This traffic comes from websites that have expired and still have people coming to them! Think about it this way, lets say you had a semi successful website for 3 years, got a pretty large following and then just let it go. The domain expires and you forget about it. People like us then buy these domains, categorize them and use them to REDIRECT traffic to our clients websites. Traffic resellers buy domains from many categories. This is done to better meet their clients needs.

Let us assume for a minute that you've a internet site on dogs. You enter a traffic resellers web site and ask for one hundred thousand unique visitors to your web site. A few web sites will admit you to choose your category, others won't. In different words, with the 1st web site, you acquire all-purpose traffic. This traffic isn't targeted and ninety-nine percent of the visitors might not care about dogs!

The second site allows for the selection of a more targeted variety of traffic. This category specific traffic will increase your probability for gross sales, clicks or what have you. Site 2 might contain a category called "Dogs", well it's an easy decision to select this category in that one in three visitors inquiring about pets are looking for a dog site! The cost for site 2 might be more than site 1 but the traffic is far better. Read on to see our suggestions for domain redirect visitors.

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