Friday, July 4, 2008

Directing Increased Hits to Your Website

By Ricardo d Argence

On the topic of search engine optimization, a lot of website owners have trouble competing. Building a long term succesful internet business offers many challenges, one of which is search engine optimazation. That bring said, many people try to make search engine optimization seem harder than it has to be. It can be quite a challenge, but the outcome will be worth it if you succeed. When done correctly, rising to the top of search engine results can be easy, which will cause your website traffic to increase and give you all the business you need to succeed.

Search engine optimization basically means building your website in a way that enables search engines to understand the content correctly and as a consequence list your site in the top ten results for your chosen keywords. So why is search engine optimization necessary and why should you do it? The first thing to note is that a site without traffic will never make money. Secondly it's not just about getting traffic to your site, its more about getting traffic that converts to sales.

The people who visit your website as the result of an online search are much more likely to be potential customers. One of the main factors for this is verisimilitude. Getting your website to come up on the first page of a Google search will help lend credibility and trust to your business.

Plus when people use the search engines they are searching for something and use specific keywords to identify their needs. When you site pops up on the first page you are then considered to be a resource that will provide them with a solution. On the other hand when you advertise you are putting yourself in front of the customer suggesting that you have what they need. In this case you are telling them and as you know human nature tends to take this information with a certain degree of skepticism.

Obviously, not one of us likes being told what to do, and having to tell others about your product or services is what advertising is all about. That's the reason why visitors who come via ads are less likely to buy than people who come as the result of a search engine link. Since marketing on the internet basically consists of turning website visitors into customers and you have to concentrate on that above all, SEO is an absolute requirement.

Granted search engine optimization is time consuming and the landscape is forever changing. The good news is that you can outsource this task to companies that devote their time and expertise to getting websites on the first page of the search results. With that said you need to be careful.

Remember companies can promise you anything but will they deliver as promised once paid? Next they will let you know that they are going to propose your website to many different directories and use many types of software implements in order to achieve this purpose. In theory this sounds great, but in reality it may actually be more harmful than good. Search engines may believe that you are trying to spam them and de-list your website because of this.

On the topic of search engine optimization, many businesses are very careful. Have them tell you how they will accomplish it, and be sure they give you all the information needed to comprehend and meet your goals. In conclusion, search engine optimization is based on using your head when working and if you are not able to optimize your site, your site's capability of netting a profit over the long run will be slashed.

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