Friday, July 4, 2008

Five Common Affiliate Marketing Mistakes To Avoid

By John \\\\\\\"Angel\\\\\\\" Anghelache

Do you make these affiliate marketing mistakes?

Before we dive into the mistakes, here's an interesting story...

Once upon a time, I wanted to become a bodybuilder. Without knowing much, I signed up for a year's membership at Gold's Gym. Located in Washington Township, New Jersey.

Despite having worked out for a year, I did not make much progress. It occurred to me something was wrong. Instead of continuing on my path of ignorance I bought a book on bodybuilding. Reading that book was an eye-opener.

For one thing, I found out I was grossly over-trained. Most natural bodybuilders can't use the same routines the "juice heads" use. I didn't know that when I started out. As a result, I wasted a lot of time on things that did not work.

This is what I found out...

Let me tell you what I discovered...

Mistake #1: Not choosing a big enough niche. Sure niche marketing is all the rage. But if the market you choose is too small forget about it. The best way to choose a market is to see if commercial lists exist. Go to the library. Page through the Standard Rate And Data Service. If a category exists for a market in that book it's a good bet the market is deep and wide.

A third big mistake is not promoting enough. The fear is that too many promotional emails result in unsubscribes. True. However, most of those unsubscribes were not buyers. They probably never would buy anyway. Make sure you email at least two affiliate promotions per week.

Mistake #3: Not pitching enough. For some reason, a lot of Internet marketers feel you should give away the barn. Not so. Yes, emailing valuable information to your list is important. The real juicy stuff ought to be sold. After all, if you don't send out enough sales messages you'll be out of business. One pitch a week is a good number to work with.

Something else: Stop putting all your effort into low priced items. The real money is in the high priced products. Have a mix of both. Put put most of your time and effort into the high ticket stuff. Again, that's where the money is.

I hope you found this article helpful.

By avoiding the mistakes above you'll make more money as an affiliate marketer.

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