Sunday, August 3, 2008

How To Build Link Popularity Immediately

By Hayden Linoturn

One of the important factors with getting the most web traffic is to start building your link popularity today. The search engines find that websites with more links pointing to them are more favored and thus receive more traffic. So you want to somehow make other sites link to you to make your link popularity higher, and then you will receive more traffic from sites like Yahoo and Google.

It's pretty easy to start building your backlinks. And, you can even find free methods to do so, like the one detailed below. Of course, there are paid methods as well. But if you are just getting started, it's a good idea to do it on your own at first to get used to how things work.

Using the blogosphere to help build your link popularity and backlink profile is a perfect way for a beginner to get started. Because there are so many blogs out there, you're sure to find somewhere to post to. And because the internet is "on" 24-7, it's just a matter of getting going.

Go to Google's blog search and simply enter in a term related to your site. You'll receive a list of blog posts about the topic you entered. You'll next visit these sites.

Most blogs have an option to leave a comment after their articles. You will read the article and ensure that it is, in fact, about your topic. Then you will leave a comment on the article.

In the comment area, there are usually three areas to fill out. These are Name, URL and email address. Make sure the URL field has your complete website URL in it so you actually get a link from the blog you are posting a comment on.

The bigger box is for you to actually input the comment you want to add. Never, ever spam the blog you are trying to get a link from because they will probably just delete your comment.

Instead, make your comment relevant to the post that the blog author wrote. Usually people like compliments, so leaving a complimentary comment is always more likely to be published. Try to add value to the post the author already wrote or even respond to comments other people have submitted.

Once your comment is complete, hit the "Submit" button. Some blogs will publish your comment immediately and you will be able to see it, and your link, right away. Some blogs will hold your comment for manual approval by the blog owner; in this case, you may receive a message that your comment is being held in moderation.

Once you're done with your comment, get back to Google's Blog Search and find all the other entries on your niche. Then leave comments on ALL of them. The more places you leave comments, the more links you are getting in return, which will increase your own traffic.

This is simple enough for even the most beginning internet marketer to do. What's more, if you do it on a fairly repetitive schedule, your links will build slowly over time. All the while increasing your rank.

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