Sunday, August 3, 2008

Top Seven Insider SEO Tricks to Boost Your Website Rankings

By Peter R. Doliaen

Many people in the internet marketing world got a rude awakening one day when the Google Slap came around, myself included!. They introduced a new parameter into their Adwords algorithum which measures the "quality" of the site that you want to buy clicks for. If the quality is considered too low they increase the cost of the clicks. In the same way Google had earlier cleaned out the doorway type pages from the organic search results, removing that source of cheap traffic as well.

The Google Slap, as it has been unofficially called, was the introduction of a new quality metric in the Awords system, the effect was that a lot of Adword users suddenly found that most of their keywords had become inactive overnight. The solution suggested by Google was to either improve the "quality" of the website you were advertising or increase the max cost per click that you were willing to pay. In some cases it was as much as $5 or $10 which many considered a slap in the face!

The 3 big search engines, Google, Yahoo and MSN account for about 80-95% of the search traffic, so if you want more free organic search engine traffic focus on these. After the Google slap many marketers began to refocus their SEO efforts as they could not afford to pay the high PPC costs.

If you have been neglecting your website over the last few years while you tried PPC now would be a good time to give it a SEO makeover. Most websites can be improved with some simple changes, here are some easily fixes to common problems:

1. There is a big issue with duplicate content on websites, never copy and paste content from other websites, it may look good but it will kill your website and more than likely get your site banned or pages de-indexed from the listings. If you have copied material from other sites replace it with some re-written text.

2. This is the other side of the coin to point one above; the search engines love original content. Write some original content for your website; I don't care how you do it, just do it! Hire some students, ask a relative, pay your kids, subcontract a free lancer or even do it yourself because it will be worth it. Try and write at least 700 words on each page and use good descriptive keywords relevant to your business.

3. Remove all those non paying affiliate links that have never made you a penny in years, the search engines hate them and they make your site look cheap. As well as that they are probably bleeding valuable page rank from your site unless you are using the nofollow parameter, see point 6 below.

4. Most websites have non profitable pages, or pages that are not expected to rank in the search engines. Examples are the site map, contact us, privacy policy and disclosures pages. It is a big mistake to link these pages from every page on your site, there are several problems. The extra linking will degrade the link reputation for the pages they are on making them less likley to rank for the page keywords. They will also again bleed rank from the important pages. It is only necessay to link these pages from the home page, visitors will easily find them there.

5. It is important that every page in your site has a unique title and description, don't bother with the keyword meta tag. manually check, or do some sort of search with your web design tool to check that you don't have pages called "New Page 1" (created by Frontpage!), or index.htm etc. Also check that you don't have pages with duplicate titles and descriptions, this is easy done when you copy one page and use it as a template for others. Don't expect these sorts of pages to do well in the rankings.

6. When linking to pages that are not important to you, like the privacy page, the contact us page and in affiliate links etc, use the nofollow parameter to stop your valuable page rank from being wasted in pages that will never rank in the search engines. For example if your link is this:

Click Here For Info

Modify it to this by adding rel="nofollow" in the link as below

Click Here For Info

7. The best way by far to boast your rankings and get more traffic is by writing original articles, about 550 to 750 words, and submitting them to the top article directories. Of course you must also include your resource box with each article with links pointing back to your site. Does article writing work?, yes absolutely but the key is to make sure that your article is original and secondly do not submit the same article to more than one directory.

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