Friday, August 15, 2008

How To Increase Your Conversion Rate

By Vincent Newton

According to an article in PC World Magazine, the average visitor spends between 25 - 45 seconds viewing the main page of a web site. That's about enough time to read this article to the point you are at right now and, maybe, most of the way through the next paragraph.

It's crucial that the opening paragraphs of your sales page grab the reader's attention. Unfortunately, most sales pages are not created with the reader in mind.

Sure, you could hire a professional copywriter to re-work your sales page. Then all you have to do is keep testing different copy versions until you either run out of money or you hit upon the winning combination of words.

Here's an idea. Why don't you try to save the sale by drawing your visitor back to your site, as they exit.

The face slap is actually a good idea, figuratively speaking, and it has been tried to various extents but with disappointing results.

Adding exit grab technology can do wonders for your bottom line. Here's are three reasons why.

1. The amazing aspect of this technology is that it's advanced programming prevents browsers from blocking it. Best of all, it does not depend on basic JavaScript functions.

2. This technology is so advanced that it actually knows when visitors are trying exit and when they are simply visiting a different part of your website.

3. Once activated, your visitor will have no choice but to stop and read your last minute offer.

If you use exit grab technology, you will see good results.

The true beauty of this new innovation lies in the fact that it has the ability to track mouse movements. As long as the mouse remains within the live area of your web page, it lies dormant. Let the mouse move outside of the live area, such as towards the URL line or the 'X' button, and it wakes right up and springs into action displaying your user-defined message in a big box in the middle of the screen.

That message can be anything you want it to be. You could offer a discount, a free trial, free bonuses, or anything else that will make a sale. You can even this strategy on your Thank-You page and deliver a one-time offer after the sale.

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