Thursday, August 14, 2008

Why Pay For Traffic When You Can Get If For Free?

By Vincent Newton

One the biggest challenges new online business owners face, is driving quality traffic to their website. Paying for traffic can be very expensive and there is no guarantee you will make sales.

I want you to pay close attention and read this entire article. You are about to discover what the majority of online marketing gurus already know about generating free traffic. But before we proceed, let's examine the different ways you could generate traffic for your website or blog.

The best type of visitors are those who actually want to be on your website. The worst type of visitors are those who have arrived by accident. One the one hand, this type of traffic will not hurt your online business. On the other hand, accidental traffic will do very little to grow your business. Most likely, these visitors will quickly leave your website, never to return.

Another form is traffic is paid traffic. Visitors are paid to click ads that lead to your website. These visitors are not interested in what you have to offer. Many have joined incentive programs that reward them for visiting a certain number of sites each day. Is this the type of traffic you want? Of course not! This type of paid traffic will not grow your online business.

The top internet marketers have been keeping a secret from you. They have been quietly driving massive amounts of quality traffic without paying a dime. The strategy they use is called viral marketing.

Receiving referrals from your visitors can do wonders for your bottom line. This is the best type of traffic since the invitees have been warmed up and are genuinely interested in your website.

A recent survey found that more than half of Internet users had visited websites referred by friends or family members in the previous 30 days. The popular social networking giant Myspace, encourages new members to invite friends to join. This is accomplished by using an address book importer, which allows the visitors to securely import contacts from all the major web mail services.

This is the best form of traffic!

Referral marketing is the quickest way to generate an enormous amount of quality traffic. These visitors will be more receptive to your offer because somebody they know and trust has endorsed your business. As a result, the odds of making the sale are much better. How much better? Some studies say 300%

Don't waste your time with programs that only deliver junk traffic. You and your website deserve real traffic with real people who actually want to be there. This is a much better approach than paying for traffic since visitors are more likely to make a purchase or sign up for your newsletter. Give viral marketing a chance, you will not be disappointed.

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