Tuesday, August 26, 2008

How To Make Money From Your Email List

By John Anghelache

Your email subscriber list is where the money is at.

By building a large and ever growing list of responsive subscribers you can make all the money you'll ever need.

The question is... "How?"

I'll share with you a proven strategy for making maximum money from your email list. Before we get going, it's crucial for you to understand the mindset of the typical person who joins an email list.

Email subscribers want good information. They want it frequently without getting overwhelmed with emails. And they expect to get pitched.

Join an autoresponder service so you can keep in contact with the folks on your list. Send them an electronic newsletter about the topic they are interested in. A couple of times a week email them offers you feel good about.

Let's put these fundamentals together. My suggestion is that you get set up with a web-based autoresponder service. Then plug in 52 pure content emails that go out once per week. These will give your subscribers the first two things they want: contact and content.

Besides the content ezine, send out a couple of offers per week also.

I like sending out two or three sales offers throughout the week. These offers are sent in broadcast emails. I write an email about a particular product or service. I include my affiliate or direct link to the website sales page for the product. The email is sent right away using the broadcast feature of my autoresponder service.

If you don't have your own product then promote affiliate products. Pick at least ten affiliate products you like. For each product, send out two or three emails during the same week.

The following week I go to product number two. And so on and so forth. Repeated offers for the same product increase sales. But there's another big benefit.

Once you run through the affiliate product promotions see which ones were best sellers. Take the two or three you got the most sales from and use those to create your own version of them. Of course, this is easiest to do with information type products like ebooks.

It won't take long before you develop a few products of your own. Ones that are proven to sell. Then you start promoting those products to your list in place of the affiliate products.

Keep track of sales. Because before long you'll notice that one of those products you created is bringing in lots of sales. Take that product and create a high priced tele-coaching program.

Sometimes I forego creating my own version of the product and just create a high-priced coaching program. It depends. The idea is to let your subscribers tell you what they will buy. Based on affiliate products they are purchasing. Then you develop your own version of the best selling affiliate products.

Follow this process consistently and you'll maximize the profits from your list.

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