Saturday, August 9, 2008

Important Steps You Should Know When Starting Your Online Business

By Mike Kultz

If you are serious about building an online business you need to understand there is a lot of "stuff" you need to know and learn and at the same time there are a million distractions every day trying to divert your attention.

For getting success in your online endeavor, an entrepreneur must realize what he or she wants in life. Try to determine your goals and work accordingly. The process begins with accessing values. Values prioritize things in life. For example, it helps in admitting your believe and the most important thing in life. Next, it focuses on vision, mission, purpose of life, and goals of the life.

Before starting the operations, an online business owner must check the laws of the concerned area and license requirement of the website. It is advisable to consult an attorney who will help you to comply with all the required details. Any violation to the law may minimize your chances of getting profit. Also, it can be a major threat to your business venture.

Get familiar with the terminology Internet Marketers use every day. When you are first starting out there will be a lot of very unfamiliar terms, such as Domain Names, Hosting, FTP, Servers, ASP, PHP and many more. Remember you are smack bang in the middle of the technical "guys and gals" who talk websites, software and web talk and the consumer who doesn't know about these terms, nor do they need to know. I always think I am the absolute WORST dinner guest when my head is full of learning "new computer talk" as it is SO unfamiliar when you start out it is likely to dominate most thoughts you have.

A business owner must choose a domain name that conveys the nature of the business activity and easier for people to remember. Therefore, it should be chosen carefully to serve the long-term goals.

There are many, many more stories that read something like this, " I struggled to make ends meet at first, I mean I even sold my car just to pay the bills, I bought every product, read every Ebook I could get my hands and still nothing seemed to be going right. Then suddenly after my first couple of years I got my first real break and now I earn in one month what I used to earn in a year."

Do NOT give up the day job! The number one problem with life online is that the learning curve is SO steep at first that you will not, unless you are extremely lucky earn enough money to pay your bills for at least 6-12 months. In fact if you have had no previous BUSINESS experience it may take you much longer than that. Yes there are exceptions to the rule, but that is all they are exceptions.

Promotion of the website can be the last step of launching the business online. In this step, a business owner has to promote his or her business through various Search Engine Optimization techniques.

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