Sunday, November 23, 2008

5 No Frills Traffic Generation Strategies That Always Work

By Kylon Trower

Are you driving all the traffic you can handle to your website. Are you about to fry your server because it can handle all the electrons or whatever is going on inside because of all the hits to your site. Well, if your just getting by or struggling to keep the lights on then you need to check this out.

Here are just a few easy methods that if done consistently will drive up your traffic stats and ultimately your sales in no time.

Method 1 - Take a shot at article marketing. It's not hat hard if you have an understanding of you product or service. Simply write 400-700 words on your topic and make it interesting. Out some passion and value added content in there and the next thing you know, people will want to know more about you and your expertise. That;'s when you send them to your site link using the resource box at the bottom of this article.

Method 2 - Crank out a Youtube video - I know, you are afraid of the camera and nothing could be worse than doing a video. Well you don't have o do a video, you can do a slideshow with an audio of you talking about your product or a screen view of your product some features and benefits. Get creative but don;t forget the most important aspect, a strong call to action. Let then know what you want them to do at the end and ideally keep it between 1-2 minutes in length.

Method - 3 - Put your link in your email address This seems obvious but as simple as it is, so many people fail to do this. If you are working on the computer, you are probably sending emails all day everyday. There is no telling where these emails may land and who may click on your link . Make your link appealing by offering a special offer or something for them to click. You'd be surprised how many people find you this way.

Method 4 - Write a short downloadable e-book to give away. This doesn't need to be a novel. Typically 8 to 12 pages of hard hitting information on your topic. Don't give away the farm, but keep them interested and wanting more. This also positions you as an expert in the field which goes along way in customer retention.

Method 5 - Post tiny classified ads on Craigslist. This is a quick way to get things going immediately. If you've never used this method before you'll find that it can result in some pretty fast, targeted traffic in no time. There are several little strategies to explode your traffic using this method but one is the use of a catchy value driven headline. For example: Drive Floods of Traffic To Any Website Using Craigslist...Guaranteed!

There is not a method I've mentioned here that doesn't work. Some better than others and some require a little more time and expertise. When it comes to getting traffic out he gate I recommend Craigslist and when it comes to long term search engine friendly traffic I suggest article writing and videos.

Now that you have a few traffic driving strategies, I suggest you choose one or two and really get to know hem well. Don;t try t do everything at once or your result will be marginal at best. Remember, in business, focus is everything. Now get to it you internet marketer you!

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