Saturday, November 22, 2008

Make Money Online: What Is Article Marketing?

By Rob Metras

Are you searching for a way to make money online? Some people are turning to the internet everyday to find opportunities to earn extra cash on top of their everyday job. Also, some are finding work at home opportunities that will allow them to be with their families.

You may have already found this opportunity by creating your own website. Running your own website based that is full of content that you are knowledgeable about is a great way make money online. Creating a site is fun and often free or low cost. This leaves the door open to high profit potential.

Why are visitors important? What good is a site if nobody sees it? You can design the best website ever created in the whole world and joined the best affiliate programs, but that all means nothing if you do not have visitors.

Word of mouth can work somewhat, but there is a better internet marketing structure marketing strategy. This is article marketing. Article marketing is using well written articles on topics related to your site content or niche, implementing keywords in the article body and publishing them to online directories.

The first step in article marketing is to establish yourself as an expert in your niche. You do this by writing articles about topics that you are knowledgeable about. You want to create a reader base that will turn to you when they are looking for information on your topic.

Keywords are specific words, related to your sites topic, that you include in your articles. These words are flagged when search engines are crawling and can improve your search engine results page ranking. Do not overdo it though, that will hurt your page ranking.

You articles should be kept fresh and updated. In order to be an expert, you must be up to date on what is going on. If your information is old, you will loose your readeras interest. Remember to include a couple links that will bring readers to your site. Do not overload the article with links. A simple author box with 2 links at the end of the article is efficient.

See, you can make money online. It is as simple as creating a website, writing an article, publishing it by listing it on article directories, joining a few advertisement or affiliate programs and then sitting back and watching your earnings pile in.

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