Saturday, November 22, 2008

Profit From Your Own Online Product - The Quick And Easy Way

By Kylon Trower

There are several legitimate products that make money online, however, far too many people jump into the product creation game and end up frustrated and broke. It's sad but increasingly true as people have these wild ideas about what the market wants.

Even more sad is that these marketers either forget or never realized the most critical part of selling a new product, "Market Demand". Nothing could be more important than a need in the marketplace for your product unless your internet marketing business is a non-profit organization.

Market demand must be tested and analyzed before you decide to sell any product or service for profit. Do people have a desire for your stuff and how much are they willing to pay for it. What will the market bear? Don't get me wrong, there a several markets that are making millions for people but knowing what hot an what's not in that market is critical.

To be even more clear on your purpose in business, find a need and fill it! Once the need is filled then you are rewarded by a higher bank balance. Find out what people have a burning passion for and give it to them over and over and over again.

Now the best way to do this effectively is to ask the people what they want and need. Forums are a great place to do this because you can stay under the radar. Find your niche forums and conduct simple surveys or public polls. You can get an enormous amount of market data this way in a short period of time.

For example, let's imagine you have a great idea for an e-book on how to drive massive amounts of traffic to your website for pennies on the dollar. The first thing is to determine who would be interested in learning that information and look up the appropriate forum. Start a new post like "what is the most frustrating part of getting traffic to your website" along with your survey questions. Be sure not to just come out and ask if anyone would like to buy your e-book as you are sure to get a reputation as a spammer.

You can also research your product by sharing a few tips and techniques with the community to get some feedback more create some buzz. This will build rapport and if they show an interest to learn more than you know you have a strong market for your product. If you don't get any bites or if there's no interest, you might want to try a different product. Before you back off though make sure you check more than one forum to get a good sense of the market.

By doing it this way you will save hours of work producing an e-book or product that will it on your shelf or hard drive. Bottom line, you aren't creating the product for yourself but for others. High demand equals high profits all day long.

Okay, now that your product has piqued the interest of the forum members you surveyed, now it's time to create your extensive e-book on cooking Italian food because there is interest in your area of expertise. Where there is interest, you can easily build desire for your product, and with desire (coupled with good marketing), your purchases will arrive naturally and your internet business will explode!

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