Saturday, November 22, 2008

Building a Membership Site? Choose the Right Hosting Company

By Lin VanFleet

Have you ever dreamed of starting your own membership site? Some say it's the best way to make money on the Internet, so why not? Well, let's make sure you have the right tools for the job! Starting a membership web site is possible but you will need a hosting company that offers you the right tools to conduct the day to day operations of your site. At minimum the prospective hosting company should allow you the ability to create forms, set up an ecommerce site, community development tools, recurring billing modules and access level controls. But that's not all you will need to build and run a membership web site.

MySQL, PERL, CGI, SSI, CRON, Curl, FrontPage, PHP scripting tools, Python, GD and ImageMagik, which allows you to create streaming videos and music are a few basic programs that come with most webhosting packages. If these are not listed on the hosting company's sales page, either move on to another company or send an email asking for clarification.

Don't overlook your email needs. Your hosting package should come with auto responders, mailing lists, mail forwarding, web mail, Spam control, POP3, IMAP, and SMTP. Again, if in doubt, ask. It is a lot better to know upfront what you're getting than to discover it when you need it - but don't have it!

Does the hosting company provide you with a control panel? For most of us a hosting account without a control panel would be like opening your personal computer without the Windows interface! Unthinkable! Cpanels usually offer you multiple features such as hotlink protection, Fantastico, Search Engine submission and error pages. Fantastico is a commercial script library that automates installation of about 50 scripts including instant blogging software, portals, PHP, Nuke, Instant Chat, Forums, counters, FTP, and so on.

Password protection is a must. After all, if you are running a membership site you don't want just anyone to be able to access it! Make sure the host you are looking at offers password protection of folders via the cpanel and via .htaccess.

The ability to track your website's statistics is very important Tracking statistics often include raw log or other access such as Awstats. Error logs and analogs are provided as well.

If you plan to start running a membership site, you really should consider purchasing the plan that offers ecommerce features, as well as Shared SSL or Private SSL, Agora Shopping Carts, Instant OS Commerce, and Cube Carts. Joomla and other membership scripts are usually available.

In addition to the basic tools listed above, you will also need to consider some marketing tools for your site when you get it set up. These will vary depending on they type of site you are building. In fact, there will be things you will need, but you won't even know what they are until you run into a problem or two. Just head on over to the search engine and start searching.

Are you ready? It all started when you dared to dream of owning and running a membership site. You are now armed with knowledge of how to find a good hosting company for your site. Now its time to "just do it" - find a good host and get that membership site online!

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