Monday, November 24, 2008

How to Make Money With Unique Article Wizard Strategy 1

By Scott S.

I purchased Unique Article Wizard just yesterday, and have already tested the product out. The fact is, Unique Article wizard works, and makes it easy to submit hundreds of unique articles to thousands of directories. So, I figured, since the product works all I needed to do was figure out some of the best ways to use it in order to make money. I brainstormed a bit and came up with 7 main strategies that you could use to make money with Unique Article Wizard, 6 of which I will be teaching you all about over the course of the next few days.

This will be my first article in a series of 6, learnin' all you internet folk 'bout makin' easy money with Unique Article Wizard. This method works, and I know through logic and personal experiments, if you question my authoritay... well just see how that works out for you. The basic idea of this method is to sell your services (Using UAW) to people who haven't heard of the Unique Article Wizard before. You should be able to make quite a large profit for very little work if you do this right, so let's get started!

1) Signup or Login to a forum like the Digitalpoint Forums. Increase your reputation so more people will trust you as a salesman by increasing your post count, and maybe completing a few offers for some itrader points (rep system). A respected member is always going to get more sales than a complete newbie.

Step two) this is where you think of your plan and how to go about selling your product, or in this case you services. Now you need to think about how much to charge per article that you submit. It would also be beneficial to decide whether you will be writing the articles or your customers will be writing their own articles. Depending on how much work you'd like to do and how much money you'd like to earn, either way could be the better option for you. Once you've thought of all the specific details of your offer then you should continue on to that next step.

3) Open a sales thread in the appropriate Buy/Sell/Trade forum and market your product. Remember, this is the only information users will get on your service, so provide specifics, and make sure you entice them to use your services! Article submission service has been around for a while so you'll need to offer new low prices/or great service with your UAW software. DO WORK!

4) Now you're pretty much done. You've created a thread and offered cheap unique article submission services. This is something almost everybody wants, if only they knew that they could get UAW and do all this themselves. Keep it a secret though, we don't want our market getting too saturated now do we!?

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