Saturday, November 22, 2008

How To Put Your Craigslist Marketing On Steroids

By Kylon Trower

The effectiveness and popularity of Craigslist marketing has been alarming over the last few years. When it comes to free targeted traffic it is by far one of the best ways to get your business and product exposed. The key to having success is learning the strategies the top earners are using everyday to have success.

Slinging a few ad posts up and striking gold is a thing of the past. Most people give up after a couple ineffective, non responsive posts and call it quits. Hard work with nothing to show for it is tough for even the most seasoned marketer let alone a newcomer.

The best and brightest marketers stay on top of their game by altering and testing their campaigns until it becomes a science. If you think they have information you don't, you're right. Let me share a few things that separate the big dogs from the newbies.

1. Sell a product that is priced right. Like in any other sales environment you will have competition. Other ads will be competing against yours and everyone wants a deal. Offer a special or consider a one time offer at a lower price to get the sale but stay competitive.

2. Add a picture or image to your ad. People are visual and are more willing to buy something they can see. Put an attractive and clear image of your product to give your buyer and indication of the quality they will receive. Compare your image ad to your competitors words on a screen and you've got half the battle won already.

3. Give a compelling description of your product. The more creative and compelling the description the better chance you have of making a sale. You only have a few seconds to grab their attention and make your case so make every word count.

Although the competition is fierce, the rewards of Craigslist marketing are undeniable. Ask anyone that has had success on Craigslist and they will tell you undoubtedly. M personal experience has been favorable due to the additional knowledge I picked up along the way.

If you have not had success on Craigslist I encourage you to get educated. With the proper research, training and repetition you can become a seasoned marketer and start making consistent sales.

The best advice I can give you is not to give up or get frustrated before you really get started. It's like riding a bike, once you've got the basics down you'll be poppin' wheelies and cashin' checks in no time.

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