Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Personalized URLs: What You Need to Know!

By Jim Rogers

If you are looking to get the public's attention and gain greater exposure for your business, you'll find that you'll have a much easier time getting your content noticed using a personal URL. A personal URL (or PURL) is a URL which you can send to a client with their name included in the URL itself. PURLs offer a number of advantages to you and your business.

In the first place, you will find that when you combine PURLs with direct marketing software that you can have a huge impact on the way that people will respond to you. With more and more opportunities open to you when it comes to personalized direct mail, you will find that you need to create a campaign where your clients and the people that you would like to be your clients feel as though you are meeting their needs personally.

You can use a PURL to tailor your content to individual clients if you choose to do so. This is a tool which lets you focus your marketing message and at the same time learn more about the needs of your current and prospective customers. Personalized URLs are one of the most powerful tools available to you when trying to reach customers and build a brand image for your company.

Response rates are greatly increased by using personalized URLs. Studies show that people are much more likely to click a link which has their name included and will also be more well disposed to the message you are trying to convey. You will have a chance to see what your prospective customers are interested in and use this data to market your products and services better to your target market.

When you are looking at PURLs, particularly as they mix with a personal direct mail campaign, you will find that it also makes it much easier to monitor your customers. What are they doing with their accounts, and what can you do to make sure that they stay interested? Your ability to provide personal content is a huge draw.

Personalized URLs allow you to provide a personal touch to your current and prospective clients; this builds brand identity and customer loyalty. A personalized URL makes people feel like VIPs, something which an impersonal landing page cannot offer. You can also use audio and other tools to create a stronger bond with your clientele and speak directly to them.

Before signing on with a company which provides personalized URL services, look for providers which offer a flat rate rather than one which charges per PURL. This will give you the flexibility to expand your personalized URL campaign as your needs warrant it.

Consider all of your options and think about the advantages to be gained by your business with the use of a PURL campaign. Personalized URLs are a marketing tool your business cannot afford to do without.

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