Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Article Marketing The Lazy Mans Way To Online Profits

By Edward Longfell

Ever since the Internet was first invented, article marketing has been around. It doesn't matter if you sell jewelry or Internet marketing products, article marketing works.

Although there are many ways to market online, very few online marketing methods are as effective as article marketing.

When you choose to market through article marketing, you can express the benefits of your product and prove how they will benefit potential clients.

If you had a spare 30 minutes to spend on your business, what would you do? That isn't a whole lot of time to work on your business. But it is more than enough time to implement an article marketing strategy.

For some reason, quite a few online marketers minimize the effectiveness of using articles to market your business online but they don't realize they are doing us a favor.

If more people question the effectiveness of article marketing when we in fact know it is an incredible and easy way to grow your online business, that leaves more room for those of us that know otherwise.

Leveraging your article is easy as long as you know where to submit it. You can find a list of article directories by searching Google on the topic.

Many companies exist online that use article directory submission software which will make your life easier when it comes to getting your information out there.

Many marketers are aware of Go Articles, and Ezine Articles. The 2 of them are probably better known than most. But there are way too many article directories to submit your article to. A couple others are article dashboard, submit your article, article snatch, and articles 888.

Some submission services charge you money such as article trader where you can spend a mere $14 and have your article submitted to 412 article directories or submit 2 please which will submit your article to 1,000 directories with a Page Rank of PR3 plus for only $50. Page rank is the search engines determination of how high your website ranks versus other sites.

You can find some services that are less expensive than $20 such as article trader that charges only $14 to submit to 400 plus directories or you can find places like submit 2 please that submits to 1,000 SEO friendly directories for only $50.

Innovative companies have also sprung up due to the social media scene such a company exists in Article To Video Marketing that provides a way to reach the Google first page by creating video's from your articles. You can expect to see results within a few hours.

In today's marketing environment there certainly are many options to choose from, but one thing you can bank on is the fact that article marketing is still very powerful and you would be hard pressed not to market via article marketing.

Article marketing is definitely one of the most effective marketing methods you can employ for your online business today. So if you are not using article marketing you probably should get started today.

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