Saturday, December 20, 2008

Chiropractic Consultant Alert

By Matthew Loop, DC

I've conversed with countless chiropractors at growth symposiums where I've been a key-note speaker. This has been happening for years now and I always hear the same sad tale; people are getting scammed by bad practice management consultants. These so-called gurus are pulling the wool over everyone's eyes and making a ton of money in the process. I have no respect for these companies that presume to help chiropractors fresh out of school, or even seasoned professionals, and only take their money and waste it. Times are too tough for people to have this happen to them. Why should the scammers be making all the money?

Hey, I'm not saying don't spend a lot on a consultant! When you spend a good deal of money on someone with experience and acumen that surpasses your own, and that person gets your business working at whole new heights, then that money is absolutely worth it. But this just isn't the case with pretty much any of these consultants. They don't live up to the amount of money they're being paid, and chiropractors are suffering. These groups try to scare you into utilizing their services, only to leave you with nothing in return. It's fraudulent, and it's got to stop.

When you decide that you need one of these practice management groups, you have to start by asking yourself specifically what your business needs. If you pass-up this hugely important step of the process, you risk working with someone who charges you an arm and a leg and has no expertise in your specific problems. I've seen too many businesses fall into this trap, and I don't want to see it any longer.

Secondly, you want to look for someone that has many satisfied clients, testimonials, and has established social proof. Beware of scripted testimonials and videos that don't look like they're from average chiropractors like you. A few chiropractic consultants have been busted for false and misleading testimonials, trying to trick vulnerable and desperate DC's into buying their programs.

I recommend doing an in-depth Google search to find accurate information. For instance, if you were looking for a consultant that just specialized in strategic and proven Web 2.0 and Social Media marketing for chiropractors, you would put the keywords "social media chiropractic marketing" or "internet chiropractic marketing" in quotation marks. This will bring you back highly-targeted information you are looking for, making your life much easier.

Lastly, it's important to find a consultant that knows the most innovative marketing strategies. If they're stuck in the past, there's no way they can send your chiropractic practice successfully into the future. When it comes to your practice and making it more successful, the biggest issue is new patients. When you improve your marketing and get new patients walking through your door, your whole business will be transformed. This can only happen when you use innovative techniques, and if a practice management group claims to know it all, they most likely don't know this. Times are changing and consultant groups are not changing with them. Web 2.0 and Social Media marketing strategies have changed the face of business, and you're going to sink if you don't change too.

If you are looking to stop being a victim and for your chiropractic practice to become recession-proof, you need to think outside of the conventional box that 95% of chiropractors reside in. I strongly recommend learning the newest social media / Web 2.0 marketing tactics. This is virtually an untapped new patient goldmine if harnessed correctly.

You will only find one consultant that specializes in this type of marketing who speaks worldwide to businesses about successful integration of social media. Truthfully, you could be the best chiropractor in the world but if you don't know how to market and massively spread your message in the new era, it doesn't matter.

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