Saturday, December 20, 2008

Does Article Submission work as SEO to increase rankings?

By Brent Sweet

Here is an incredible story. On the 20th day in November 2008 I started a brand new website at the url The site offers a service of submitting a unique article to thousands of internet directories. The idea of the site is to sell the service to the clients. Our target client is the person who wishes to increase their rankings in the SERPs by generating a bunch of relevant, one-way links to their website. On December 7th, as I write this article, just a little over two weeks later, my site is now ranked 101 out of over 15,000,000 results for the term Article Submissions

Since I am testing many methods that the Gurus say work, the only way I have promoted this site is with a few Google Adwords that cost a few bucks a day, and then I submit articles, just like this one that you are reading describing how it works, and what the results are. I am not writing the article today to sell you on my site, I am writing today to tell you that article submission is successful in getting a site indexed quickly and increasing your rank.

Just to see what was going on with my search engine rankings today and I found when I searched for article submissions that there were 15,200,000 search results. I thought to myself, wow, how can I ever rank in these results. I started clicking through them anyway just to see if there was a site, similar to mine, that would be in the results. When I got to page 11, I found there was a purple link, like I had been on the site before. Upon closer look I found that it was my website! After just two weeks and three days, I got to position 101. I also have to mention that I was indexed by Google in 3 days after creating the site. I would say article submission generates incredible results, especially when done right.

I have studied all the gurus of SEO. I studied Aaron Wall, Brad Callen and Brad Fallon. I think these folks are the real people that know what they are doing. I started a few sites, and began experimenting with their different recommended techniques. I have to say of all the methods I have tried, article submissions, and Google Ads have brought me the most results.

I used code based things such as TrafficBoosterPro which worked for a few days for a keyword on another site I had, but then Google penalized my site, and guess what, I have NEVER recovered. I also tried reciprocal linking, which is controversial, in that Google may not count the links. I am starting to tend to agree, the site I did that on has not ranked at all. I even developed two sites where I build links to one and didn't to the other, but made them on the same topic (they are not duplicate websites), guess what for words they have in common, the one with no links to it is outranking the one that I have actually optimized.

So far on my current site,, I have done two things. I bought Google ads that convert to promote my site until I can get a good organic listing. For those who don't know Organic Listings are the ones in Google that are free, and you don't pay per click. Then I submitted articles just like this one to as many directories as possible with a link back like you see below in my resource box.

In all of my studies I have never had this much success. I haven't used press releases which, by the way, I believe to work wonders, because of the high cost. I didn't use any link building tactics, or join any link exchanges. I haven't even traded any links, nor have I even provided code or an option for people to link to my site. I have not used a social networking site like Digg or any other similar site to promote myself. You may wonder why not. It may increase my rankings. Right now, however, my goal is to use a controlled experiment. If I begin doing all these other things, I could not have wrote this article today telling you that this works. I am going to continue doing what I am doing and monitor all the results. Right now, I am at position 101 in Google SERPs so it makes it pretty easy to monitor the results of my actions. You know, the next article I release will probably be a report on what this one did for my rankings.

Good luck to you in your search engine optimization efforts. If you are further interested in article submission, you can do it my way, as a matter of fact the service that this site promotes does this for you. See the resource box below to get more details.

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