Monday, December 8, 2008

How to Absolutely Guarantee Your Network Marketing Success!

By Kylon Trower

It is always astonishing to me the number of new Network Marketers I mentor that come to me with no real plan for their business whatsoever. It is no wonder that so many are calling it quits before they really get started.

I cannot stress this point enough! The plan is the basic foundation for success and far too many are expecting their sponsor or someone else to work out the details and it never happens. Others never really give it much thought which I've found even more astonishing.

In many cases, I've asked individuals if they have a plan of action and they quickly respond, "Oh yeah, I've got a plan of action!" Then I ask them to produce it for me. I tell them that I'd like to take a look at it and more often than not they tell me that it's in their head. Well here is what I'll say to that, If your plan is in your head, then more than likely your success will be in your head too!

Now I know you may think this sounds harsh or maybe it's not "politically correct" , however, it's true and sometimes the truth hurts.

Think of it this way, let's say a football team went into a game with no set plays or strategy to take on their competition. They hadn't watched any footage of the other teams strengths or weaknesses and were just flying by the seat of their pants on every play. How do you think they would do during the season with that approach?

Probably wouldn't be too strong a season right? Network Marketing is the exact same way and there are too many losing seasons to count when it comes to our industry.

Now I do realize that many Network Marketing companies have training and support to some degree, however, significant planning is really missing in most companies I've seen over the years. Many get skills that are never implemented because they were never added to the "Playbook". Most bounce from tactic to technique never really gaining any real momentum.

The problem is, and history tells us, that this approach very rarely works!

So, that said, here is what I suggest you do first. Get out a piece of paper and write down your five year, one year, six month, 3 month and one month goals. Then start with your one month goal and determine what it's going to take every day for you to reach that goal. Once you've written these steps, stick to them, never quit and watch your business grow.

I can't begin to work out a complete, detailed plan of action for you in this short white space but I hope this has given you an idea of its importance to your success. Check out my website as you'll find some more information on my personal Network Marketing plan that may help you as well.

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