Tuesday, December 9, 2008

How to Absolutely Guarantee Your Network Marketing Success!

By Kylon Trower

It is always astonishing to me the number of new Network Marketers I mentor that come to me with no real plan for their business whatsoever. It is no wonder that so many are calling it quits before they really get started.

The solid plan is the basis for your success in any endeavor and especially when you are starting a business. I guess because of the somewhat casual nature, low start up costs and sponsors there to help, many don't really take their businesses seriously enough to think they need a real plan.

I've asked my trainees from time to time to show me their plan and I often hear that it's in their head. They have it memorized to some degree and that's what they build their businesses from, memory. If I had to rely on my memory I wold have been out of business a years ago. It's no wonder they are failing and can't seem to get any traction.

This may seem a bit extreme but the truth is the truth and unfortunately it hurts sometimes. Most will never make the long term commitment to a plan and that's why they will never get beyond a certain level.

Let's look at a sports analogy for a minute. Let's just say a professional baseball team never wrote down their plays and practiced them consistently. They had talent or "potential" but they would never commit to practicing any set plays. What might their season look like?

You guessed it, it would probably be a losing season to say the least. But this is exactly what I see home business owners do each and every day when it comes to planning.

I have realized at this point that most home business start-ups are comprised of some type of quick-start training and immediately followed by marketing efforts. In essence, it's as if they got trained what to do but never prepared a game plan on how to implement what they'd learned so they wallow around trying different things they learned hoping that something works.

We all know from history that this approach never works in anything you do. It's like throwing something against a wall and hoping it sticks.

Committing your plan of action to paper is critically important to your overall success in your Network Marketing business. Without a clearly defined map or blueprint, very few achieve success. Break down your goals into little action steps that eventually get down to what you need to do every single day to reach those goals. Don't fall victim to the number one reason Network Marketers are failing today, a lack of planning.

Due to the limits of this article it is virtually impossible for me to go over everything in detail but it starts with transferring your thoughts to paper. If you'd like to check out my site I can share more with you and even unveil my proven formula for Network Marketing success.

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