Wednesday, December 17, 2008

How To Create A Niche Presencein The Modern World Of Google

By Rob Metras

What is niche marketing? A niche is typically considered to be a small space or notch, or a space or activity for which a person is best suited. Niche marketing can then be thought of as marketing within a well defined area within which a person or company is well fitted.

In the world of Google and search engines the goal is to appear at or near the top of the list when someone is submitting a keyword or phrase in search of a product, service, or information. Most users of Google won't go beyond the first or second page of results unless they haven't yet found what they are looking for.

It can be difficult to separate yourself from the crowd online. If for example you have a travel site, and use atravela and avacationa as keywords it is likely that your site will be virtually lost amongst the competition. It may not even be possible to find your site on Google without staying up all night looking. Placing high on or adominatinga Google's listings is important and to do this it is crucial to establish a well defined niche, and use keywords appropriate to it. Once your niche is established you will begin to see that online marketing really does work.

Advertising a "great vacation" to anywhere isn't going to get it done. If you feature a vacation to Michigan's Upper Peninsula, Washington's San Juan Islands or a special place in the Caribbean, you're starting to work your way towards finding your niche. In reality your niche is something you know as much or more about than anyone else.

A key role in search engine dominance is supply and demand. If the hula hoop did not already exist, and were to be invented now, imagine the role the Internet would play. The inventor would simply need to issue a few press releases to announce his product to the world. People then turning to Google and entering ahula hoopa as a search term would then end up with search results that would all lead back to the inventors website. The inventor would have adominated Googlea. Although the hula hoop was a success without Google or the Internet, the lesson here should be apparent.

Whatever product or service you may offer, it should be in high demand and have few existing suppliers. It will also be greatly helpful for you to know a lot about your product or service, which you already probably will if you are offering your own. A large unmet demand and a low level of competition should be able to add up to a dominant Google search position.

Creating an online marketing business that is successful is not necessarily easy, and failure is likely unless you are able to find your niche early on. A good approach to finding your marketing niche is to brainstorm. Let your mind room free over as many marketing possibilities as you can. Make a list of them, and then go through the list and analyze the supply and demand possibilities for each listed item. Once you find something with high demand that only you or a few others can supply, you are on a solid path towards creating a successful niche marketing business

Opportunities can be staring us in the .face and often we are not even aware of it. Give some consideration to what you can offer the world. You probably have significantly more to offer then you realize. Then look for something unique, something others feel is important or engaging and market it. Although it sounds simple it will take effort. Like most things in life success is not guaranteed, but with hard work, perseverance, and a bit of luck, niche marketing can be made to work for you.

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