Tuesday, December 9, 2008

How To Inspire Recruiters To Retain Quality Job Candidates

By Cade Krueger

Often recruiters deal with the same problems that sales representatives deal with and that is what happens to hires after the commission is given. Often after a post hire it is difficult for a recruiter to take responsibility for the performance of those hires.

Recruiters feel that their control is very limited because they don't have final say on who gets hire and they are often used more for sourcing these candidates. Managers will counter with the recruiter isn't doing their proper research to find the ideal candidate so many problems happen with the recruiter and manager.

So how do you find a way through this tension and animosity that both of these fields feel about their counterparts? One of the things that needs to happen is that recruiters need to be paid and focused on the same objective that the managers have long term for these candidates. This is where the manager can come in and set up systems to make sure this happens.

What some companies do is that they will give their recruiters more say and more accountability in the process. They will allow for them to be involved from sourcing, recruiting, hiring, background checks, etc. up until they are hired and give them a say through the whole process if they feel a candidate isn't worthy. They also become more accountable financially for anything that happens to hired employees in the first year.

This will improve retention and give your recruiter more of a solid foundation in understanding truly what you need out of an employee. This will be the case for any business that you get involved in. You will see more achievement out of someone that is empowered with more.

In the end no matter how many interviews and resumes you have, it comes down to recruiting right and finding that ideal candidate before your competition does. If you can quickly respond to the right resumes you are going to get valuable employees.

My suggestion is that you look at ways to automate this whole process. One company that does well with that is Entice Labs and their TalentSeekr product that sends out jobs across numerous niched web sites on the internet.

If you can empower people then you will always get improvements. It is just a matter of finding the right people that take pride in their job and can understand core values to follow.

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