Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Internet Marketing: Insider Tips To Making It Big!

By Lindsey

So, you want to gain more presence on the internet. You know that marketing yourself online is a key way to obtain customers. The hard part is how to market successfully on the internet. The beauty of online advertising is that you can advertise for a much cheaper price than in other forms of media.

In all forms of media, the best placement means the best results from your ads. If you are advertising in a traditional venue, like magazines, newspapers, and billboards, you can get good placement by paying for it. You can expect to pay more for the highest visibility for your ads. The internet is different. Sure you can pay for a good place on the internet, but you wonat necessarily pay a lot. Sometimes you wonat pay anything at all!

There are many ways to advertise on the internet. In fact, there more ways than one realizes. Ironically, you probably donat even realize when you see an advertisement. Sometimes, you may be advertising by accident. Here are just a few forms of advertising: blog, Affiliate, banner, and pop-up ads.

Take blogging! Thatas a great way to get some exposure! You can have your own blog and write your own articles about your company and your product, or you can advertise on another blog or both. This doesnat have to cost you money. You can trade with the owner of the other blog by advertising for him or her on your blog. Blogs can be about anything. You may want to make yours about your product only, or you may want to make it general and include information about your product. The main thing is that popular blogs with interesting content generate a lot of traffic. That translates into lots of people seeing your ads and your articles, and that can mean lots of business for you.

You can also do an affiliation with online companies. When you affiliate with a company you are doing a ajointa agreement to drive traffic to each others companies/sites. If both of you have a website you would both provide links to one anotheras sites and recommend each others sites to visitors. If people trust your affiliate, they will trust their recommendation, and visit you.

You still want to know how to market successfully on the internet? Pop up ads! When you visit a web page, you have probably noticed the advertisement that go across the top of the web page. You have probably noticed the banners and images for companies that run along the side of the web page. What you notice most is that advertisement that pops up in the middle of the page and you have to close it to continue.

As annoying this may seem to the user, if done correctly, and on many sites, you can develop a customer base. These ads usually get response from those who do need that specific service or product. Otherwise, the site visitor just closes the advertisement. This allows a company to find immediate buyers, and possibly some impulse buyers because these people already have the need or want for that advertised product.

At the beginning of the article, we mentioned old-fashioned, straightforward ways to buy advertising online. One of these ways is to buy a banner on a popular website. Do you want to know how much that would cost you? Upwards of $50,000! And the thing is, for a small company or individual, that banner will not be anywhere near as effective as the simple, easily accessible methods we have outlined here! Obviously, if your investment is far more than you hope to make, it is not a good one. Luckily, there are lots of free and easy ways for the little guy to advertise online!

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