Monday, December 15, 2008

Legitimate Work At Home Opportunities - Don't Be Fooled!

By Kylon Trower

Diving into any home business without doing your due diligence to carefully seek out legitimate work at home opportunities could prove to be disastrous. Millions of dollars a year are lost by unsuspecting business opportunity seekers duped out of their hard earned money because they simply don't know what they are looking for.

Having the right questions to ask is critical as this will allow you to discern quickly whether a business or potential business partner are worth your time, energy and hard earned money. Here is my quick list of questions to ask prospective sponsors out the gate.

1. What product(s) or services does the company offer?

2. Is free training available for me to learn the business.

3. What is your experience with the company been?

4. Are you working full or part time in the business?

5. What is a realistic expectation of earnings for someone with average ability based on the companies history? Note: you are not asking for an earnings guarantee

6. What areas of the business are more difficult that I may encounter in the future?

7. What kind of track record does the companies management team have?

8. When and how I get paid and for what activities?

9. Do you recommend I speak with anyone else before I get started? Note: If a person blatantly answers "No" to this question it should raise a flag.

10. What literature, websites or other outside information source do you recommend I review?

Do not take this set of questions as your only source of information to draw your conclusion. Use common sense and don't get too emotionally involved in the process and you should be fine. Remember to thank everyone you speak with for their time and use it to form relationships with others in your prospective field as well. Searching for legitimate work at home opportunities can be fun and eye opening as you are bound to meet some really great people along the way. For more details about me and my most recent eight year celebration as a work at home dad visit my website below.

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