Monday, December 22, 2008

List Building

By Rick Freeman

No matter how spectacular your website may be, chances are good that few people will come back to the website unless you give them a reason to. As most people search the internet without a whole lot of planning or method, it can be easy for them to forget where they were ten pages ago. You might have great traffic, but if 1,000 visitors visit your website and never return, you lose an astonishing amount of potential revenue. If you had planned well, some of those visitors could have become customers. You'll want those customers to spend their money on your website again, and the best way to achieve this is by having them sign up for your mailing list.

Sadly, many website owners learn too late that offering great content is not enough. If you really want to have your visitors return to your website, the best way to do this is by having them subscribe to your mailing list. Even if they are in a hurry, many visitors will still choose to opt-in on your mailing list on their way off your website. Though they vary, your opt-in form should ask for the visitor's email address and name.

Visitors signed up on the mailing list provide you a way to follow their visit through with an email. These give you a way to pitch your offer to your subscribers. Increasing your potential customers is the goal, and that goal can be achieved through getting as many subscribers as you can.

Try writing articles to boost your list, many people have found this to be a successful method. Readers and publishers of online directories will want to read the information you provide on the expertise of your business topic.

Many enjoy the fruits of this viral marketing through article writing. It allows you to prove your worth by demonstrating your business expertise in your articles.

Mailing lists grow through the use of the resource box that is attached to the article. This tool, also called a bio box, should include information about you, such as what your site is about, and the URL of your site. The URL you include should send visitors to the place on your website where they can sign up for your mailing list in order to maximize the size of your mailing list.

As long as you write a decent article, the publishers of the online sites will approve it and republish your article - along with its helpful resource box. Viral marketing doesn't get much easier than that. The details that you include in your article are the key parts to making this an effective tool.

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