Monday, December 15, 2008

New Network Marketing Companies - Why The Internet Rules!

By Kylon Trower

I can't believe the number of new Network Marketing companies popping out of the woodwork everyday. With hectic schedules and live s to live the average person looking for a new company to join never has time to really research and investigate what's best for them. Because of this, most end up joining outdated companies that employ ineffective marketing methods that just don't work. You know, like cold calling, harassing friends and family, having home meetings and so fort.

If your ultimate goal is to fire your boss (I remember when that happened for me eight years ago like it was yesterday) and design your own lifestyle, you must take a close look at any new Network Marketing g Companies and their use of the internet.

I'll share this with you, if you you don't have a solid, consistent and credible web presence, your chances of success decrease ten fold in this new business era. Don't shoot yourself in the foot and make sure your marketing message is strong both online and offline.

Since you are interviewing new Network Marketing Companies you should be aware that demand and legitimacy should be high on the list, however, don't discount profitability. As a matter of fact, do your due diligence to determine exactly what its going to take to replace your current income (if that's your goal) before you even start.

Because the industry has changes so much and so fast, it is realistic to earn a full time annual income in the high five or even six figure range in less than a year. The internet has created such an incredible opportunity for ordinary people to have financial breakthroughs its mind boggling.

Now when it comes to the internet and new Network Marketing companies, some companies have strategically integrated their entire marketing presence to accommodate the internet. The growth of these companies phenomenal and can put you in profits faster than you can say "the checks in the mail"

On the flip side, there are also companies out there that have no sense of what is going on in the online world and stand to lose their shirts if they don;t wake up, and I mean fast. I would not recommend a company like this that does not have their eye on the proverbial ball as a company with similar offerings with an online presence will run them of the field.

As you may imagine, there are also some new Network Marketing companies that have an online presence but its so inadequately put together it only serves as a deterrent of for potential clients and prospects. This can be the worse because usually these companies are in flux between being a traditional Network Marketing Company and a more sophisticated web based company and rarely get either right. At the end of the day, you want a fast paced, forward thinking company with a solid product that can start putting money in your coffers sooner than later.

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