Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Resale Rights - How To Make A Lot Of Money

By Arthur Goloflinski

Still trying to make an income with resell rights products? Apply these 5 simple steps, and get into profit in record time.

Resell rights ebooks are the perfect tools to creating an income from home, perhaps a 7-figure income, and all you need to do is apply 5 simple techiques.

Yet many people who use resell rights products fail to make more than a few hundred dollars online, mainly because they don't follow the basic marketing steps that the successful sellers follow.

Here are the 5 simple steps to earning a fortune online with resell rights:

1. Sell a bundle of products that target one single desire, or customer want. If you can target a benefit for a group of people that are easy to reach, you will find it much easier to sell, since you will have a way to reach your target audience. Put the bundle together and make it irresistable, and you will find your sales taking off.

2. Try out the products and make sure they do what they claim to do. I see many people selling resell rights on a script that no longer works, and they have no idea, since they never tried it out themselves. So before you put your name on a sales page, be sure you review each and every product, and make sure it does what it claims to do.

3. Capture email addresses for future follow up. Sometimes, people sell stuff to others, and never contact them again. This is a huge mistake, since making your first sale costs about 10 times as much as any follow up sale. So be sure you capture email addresses, and use a follow up system to keep in contact with them.

4. Market your offer. Boy, it never ceases to amaze me when people throw up a website and then say they never made a dime. One of the most common reasons why they don't make a dime is because they never marketed their site. People don't magically appear on websites! You need to market your site, advertise it, or write articles, or get jv partners to recommend it. Anything that works is good, and you can use free methods, or pay for it.

5. Once you have people buying from you, be sure to offer up sells and cross promotions to your customers. There is no one more open to buying more stuff from you that the person who just ordered from you, so strike while the fire is hot, and make them another related offer, and you will see your sales rising by 40% or even higher.

Follow these first 5 steps, and you will be on the road to higher profits.

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