Friday, December 19, 2008

Small Business Resources: What You Need To Get Ahead

By Clint Steiner

It's easier than ever to get what you need when you decide to start a small business with the introduction of the Internet not the mix. If you're just getting up and running, you'll discover that there are a plethora of diverse options that you need to keep on top of in order to be successful. Below is a short list of things that will get you started.

1.) The Business Plan Just like an airplane files a flight plan prior to takeoff, so too does a business need a business plan that outlines where you expect to be next year, in five years or 10 years down the road. Companies that stay afloat and successful plan ahead, set goals and keep track of the progress and milestones reached as they progress day-to-day.

2.) The Need to Keep Good Notes It is essential that you record everything that's happening in your business. There are few minds that have a memory so powerful that they can remember the daily erratum that happens in a business. You must record expenses, take notes and keep up with your paperwork as business is transpiring. At tax time, is not the time to try and get everything together. You should be recording financial events when they're happening and it's fresh in your mind.

3.) Invest In Professional Help Before you get the secretary or administrative assistant, get a professional accountant onboard to help you maintain your financial books. Smart business people always hire professionals who have more knowledge in a particular area than themselves. An accountant will give you advice as your setup and get started and lead you through the ocean of details that only a professional can know. When your business is up and running, you will have in place a person who can advise you in all financial matters so that you are successful.

4.) Time management is your best friend. Starting a new business takes time and commitment. Always make sure that you budget your time as wisely as your money and at least twice as miserly. Money can always be borrowed, time cannot. If you want to do anything other than business related things (like sleep), you should make valuable use of your time by planning, scheduling, and prioritizing.

5.) Build a Contact List Having the right contacts can make or break a business. As you attend meetings and gather information, meet with other likeminded business people, exchange business cards and network to see what types of businesses are out there. You might need printing or some other type of service. Always be on the look out for contacts that can help you in your business and people who might be able to use your business. Networking is a valuable part of the business model and building a good contact list is essential to success.

6.) Researching Your Products and Services If you are a small business, you need to know everything about your industry and what it means to get ahead in it. You could easily get eaten alive going it alone and unprotected in open water. Remember that the more information you have, the better you will be able to meet the needs of the people who are looking to you for service. Know what the competition is, what the market is like, who your customers are. Learning everything upfront will prevent avoidable business mistakes.

Before you jump headlong into a new business venture take a bit of time to consider what you are about to embark upon. While creating and running a new business can be very rewarding, it can also be very challenging at the same time. It takes commitment and tenacity. It can also be your dreams come true in terms of how you want to live the rest of your life. In the end, the success or failure is up to you and how much patience and nurturing you pour into our new venture. Take it slow and give it your best shot.

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