Sunday, December 14, 2008

Squidoo Secrets To Making Money

By Eric Johnson

I know what your thinking, but stay with me. Its easy - to make money with Squidoo it is simple just follow along and I will show you.

Squidoo! is a social network

So what is Squidoo really? Squidoo is a huge social network that allows affiliate marketing and google loves it.

A network of single pages, called lenses which displays views and opinions. These lenses can be on any thing you want - health,travel, people, tourism,sports,music etc. By making a lens you become a lens master.

Make Money With Squidoo

Squidoo is a great platform you can give your views and opinions. It enables an opportunity to mix your passion with internet business. Through this medium you can run a very successful business no matter how unique your products are. You can start a home business, within an hour,without your own website. .

Squidoo lenses get indexed fast. Google loves Squidoo. Within 2 days you might have your own lenses with Google search. Your lenses may link to other big sites like eBay,YouTube. Lenses don't focus on content matter. They would recommend and then link to the content matter on the web. Therefore effort is made to encourage your own personal knowledge and product through your lens.

Do Some Charity As You Make Money On Squidoo

Squidoo makes it possible for you to create your own unique business and then earn money for yourself or for charity. Squidoo shares its revenues with its lens masters. 50% of the revenue goes to the lens masters while 45% goes to Squidoo and above all 5% of the revenue goes to charity. Thus, the aim of Squidoo is to pay the maximum amount to the lens masters and to charity. And what a way to prove the old adage "Charity begins at home"! Even if your lens is not able to hit the top of the charts, it will still be able to generate money for you, as it has been included in the pool of lens masters.

To sum up, Squidoo is a lively platform where you can place your ideas and expressions and you will find thousands of people interested in it as well. It is a totally free tool to boost your affiliate sales and a very simple way to promote your product or your expertise. How passion turns into profit can be seen by using Squidoo!

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